ruanjue / smartdenovo

Ultra-fast de novo assembler using long noisy reads
GNU General Public License v3.0
127 stars 29 forks source link

Does it support fa.gz as the input? #43

Open X-WJ opened 4 years ago

X-WJ commented 4 years ago

Well,I have some corrected ont data and i compressed it for saving the storage.And now ,can I use the gz file as the input data ? I don't know the function of "wtpre"?Can I modify the mak file and skip the "wtpre" step? my mak file like this .

PREFIX=species 2 3 EXE_PRE=/smartdenovo/wtpre 4 EXE_ZMO=/smartdenovo/wtzmo 5 EXE_OBT=/smartdenovo/wtobt 6 EXE_GBO=/smartdenovo/wtgbo 7 EXE_CLP=/smartdenovo/wtclp 8 EXE_LAY=/smartdenovo/wtlay 9 EXE_CNS=/smartdenovo/wtcns 10 N_THREADS=20 11 12 all:$(PREFIX).dmo.lay 13 #$(PREFIX).fa.gz: 14 # $(EXE_PRE) -J 5000 species.correctedReads.fasta.gz | gzip -c -1 > $@ 15 16 $(PREFIX).dmo.ovl:$(PREFIX).fa.gz 17 $(EXE_ZMO) -t $(N_THREADS) -i $(PREFIX).fa.gz -fo $@ -k 21 -z 10 -Z 16 -U -1 -m 0.1 -A 1000 18 19 $(PREFIX).dmo.obt:$(PREFIX).fa.gz $(PREFIX).dmo.ovl 20 $(EXE_CLP) -i $(PREFIX).dmo.ovl -fo $@ -d 3 -k 300 -m 0.1 -FT 21
22 $(PREFIX).dmo.lay:$(PREFIX).fa.gz $(PREFIX).dmo.obt $(PREFIX).dmo.ovl 23 $(EXE_LAY) -i $(PREFIX).fa.gz -b $(PREFIX).dmo.obt -j $(PREFIX).dmo.ovl -fo $(PREFIX).dmo.lay -w 300 -s 200 -m 0.1 -r 0.95 -c 1

Thank you fo reply

ruanjue commented 4 years ago

It's ok.

X-WJ commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much !!

X-WJ commented 4 years ago

It's ok.

Emmc, I have run the smartdenovo the whole pipleline on the other project while it's still running well .And I use the fa.gz as the original input ,not motify the mak file .Deos it fit too ?

ruanjue commented 4 years ago

All program used the same API to read sequences, wtpre can take gz file as input.