Closed Sparkle-27 closed 5 years ago
-X 100
will selecting 100X reads from input.
wtdbg2 -t 64 -x ccs -g 2.5g -X 100 -i reads.fa -fo dbg
I my experience, shorter pacbio reads contributed little to wtdbg's assembly.
Please see wtdbg2 --help
, selecting longest subread.
-L <int> Choose the longest subread and drop reads shorter than <int> (5000 recommended for PacBio) [0]
Negative integer indicate tidying read names too, e.g. -5000.
Hi Ruanjue I found a problem when I assembling with 100x corrected reads using canu, numerous reads will be missed loading using default -X [50]. The script I used as following:
Do you have any suggestion about how to assembly the 2.5g genomeSize with 100x corrected reads? Thanks in advance!