Closed cement-head closed 4 years ago
1, p is homopolymer compressed bases, k is original bases. 2, just ignore them 3, N50 and L50
Okay. Thanks. With regard to Q2; I'll assume that the kmer metrics I should be monitoring should be in the terminal output?
About Q2, I don't think user should monitor it, the relation between kmer metrics and assembly is not so direct.
In that case, how does one validate an assembly with no known reference? BUSCO only? I was hoping that a kmer analysis would help me understand the validity of the assembly.
You can choose BUSCO, Paired-end short reads mapping, long reads mapping, bionano mapping, and others. Kmer ananlysis can be done with assembled contigs and short reads, but not very good at long noisy reads.
I have several questions regarding wtdbg2 output (metrics) that I don't understand.