rubanraj54 / vue-bootstrap4-table

Advanced table based on Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4 ⚡️
MIT License
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date range #39

Open soongsta opened 5 years ago

soongsta commented 5 years ago

Hi @rubanraj54, is it possible to filter a date column with a daterange picker? I am just wondering if table has a 'date of birth' column, how you would filter all birthdays this week or this month (for example)

rubanraj54 commented 5 years ago

Currently, I am working on this feature.

In future release, you'll get a custom filter option as well as date range filter.

For date range filter, I am planning to use an external vue component from here .

For the next two weeks, I don't have time to work on this component. So please bear with me.

Cheers, Ruby.

soongsta commented 5 years ago

Awesome. Keep up the great work

2IhsanWp commented 5 years ago

yah, cant wait this date range filter feature is released. really need this function. @rubanraj54 thank for this awesome vue-bootstrap4-table

hasangok commented 5 years ago

Hey @rubanraj54

Thanks for all your effords. I tried flatpicker for date range filtering but can't make it work. I'm also looking forward to have this feature out-of-the-box.


ghost commented 5 years ago

Hey, I'm working on a project that requires this feature. Is this likely to become available soon?

bcotteret commented 4 years ago

Hi @rubanraj54, Any update ?

ayophanz commented 4 years ago

I'm waiting for this also and I'm so excited.

ChemaBautista commented 2 years ago

I'm waiting for this also. Any example for implement?