rubanraj54 / vue-bootstrap4-table

Advanced table based on Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4 ⚡️
MIT License
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Issue with dropdown #67

Open KalaTheMother opened 4 years ago

KalaTheMother commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your work, it is very useful :) .

I saw an issue on dropdown filter (select) : the dropdown still be closed, never opened (multi and single mode). Then i click on dropdown, it launch a new tab with the homepage link but nothing else.

Thanks and have a good day.

rubanraj54 commented 4 years ago

Hi @KalaTheMother , could you please make an example in jsfiddle or something to see what is wrong.

I couldn't reproduce this behaviour in my end.

Cheers, Ruby.

allankluver commented 4 years ago

HI @rubanraj54

I can reproduced the dropdown error if I use the bootstrapVue package instead of bootstrap. Don't know if that's the case here :-)

And thank you for a very nice table. Excellent work!! :)

KalaTheMother commented 4 years ago


Sorry for the late. Indeed, i use BootstrapVue. This is the beginning of the table :

For now, i have not a jsfiddle, sorry. I'm agree with @allankluver, Excellent work :)
sebj54 commented 4 years ago

I confirm this problem: dropdowns does not work when you use bootstrap-vue instead of Bootstrap's JS (with jQuery).

As I do not want to load jQuery + Bootstrap's JS just for dropdowns, I wrote this little function to reproduce the dropdown's behavior:

enableDropdowns() {
    this.$el.querySelectorAll('[data-toggle="dropdown"]').forEach(($dropdownToggle) => {
        const $dropdown = $dropdownToggle.nextElementSibling
        let isShown = false

        function setIsShown(state) {
            isShown = state
            $dropdown.classList.toggle('show', isShown)

        if (!this.dropdowns.includes($dropdown)) {

            $dropdownToggle.addEventListener('click', (event) => {

            $dropdown.addEventListener('click', (event) => {

            $dropdown.clickOutsideEvent = (event) => {
                const isDropdownOrChildren = $dropdown === || $dropdown.contains(
                const isDropdownToggleOrChildren = $dropdownToggle === || $dropdownToggle.contains(

                if (!isDropdownOrChildren && !isDropdownToggleOrChildren) {
            document.addEventListener('click', $dropdown.clickOutsideEvent)

You just have to add this function to your methods object in your Vue component and call this.enableDropdowns() in your mounted hook. It can be useful as a workaround!

EDIT: I already posted this workaround on another issue: