rubanraj54 / vue-bootstrap4-table

Advanced table based on Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4 ⚡️
MIT License
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Sort Order Desc on first click #9

Closed Chris-Pratt-Clystnet closed 5 years ago

Chris-Pratt-Clystnet commented 5 years ago

When i have a table with columns that have no inital sort and i click to sort one of these columns it tries to sort in desc order to begin with.

Now i would expect the first click of sort to order by asc, is this a bug or is there some way i can configure this?

rubanraj54 commented 5 years ago

Hi @Chris-Pratt-Clystnet, Thanks for reporting an issue.

By default, table tries to do desc sort.

But, Now I feel it is more sensible that initially table should do the "asc" sort if there is no initial sort provided.

I will fix this by today and let you know.

Chris-Pratt-Clystnet commented 5 years ago

@rubanraj54 thanks

rubanraj54 commented 5 years ago

Hi @Chris-Pratt-Clystnet I fixed this in new version 1.0.23.

Update your package to get the changes.

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