rubberduck-vba / Rubberduck

Every programmer needs a rubberduck. COM add-in for the VBA & VB6 IDE (VBE).
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Feature UC Request: How do I integrate a Rubberduck unit test module into an automated testing environment through cli? #585

Closed HenrikBach1 closed 9 years ago

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

How do I integrate a Rubberduck unit test module into an automated testing environment through cli?


rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

You know, that's actually a very good question. It's not something that I had considered previously. Right now, I don't think it's possible, but I think it could be with some changes.

We would need to extract a TestRunner class out of the TestExplorerDockablePresenter to even start thinking about this. Honestly, that's something that should be done anyway. Right now, the presenter is responsible for discovering and running the tests. Which, I don't much care for. Then we would need to create a TestExplorerCommandLinePresenter and a static entry point to that program.

There would still be a few challenges at that point. Because the tests are written in VBA, they're executed within the context of the VBE and Host Application. Minimally, the command line program would need to open the Host Application in order to run the tests.

Yeah. I think this is possible with a little bit of effort. There's just no way to do it as of right now.

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

There are two documented ways from MS to write and process commands from CLI:

* /x macro


rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

@HenrikBach1 that's for running VBA code from the command line. To run the unit tests, we need to be able to run the .Net code that runs the VBA code from the command line. We're not currently set up to do that, but this is a great feature request and I want to see this happen in a future release.

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

Me, too :-) Even though I need it, now. You, know ;-)

rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

You're more than welcome to fork us and submit a pull request if you need this sooner rather than later.

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

Yes, I know.

But, I don't know anything on how to do it, effectively, even though you have a highly prescribed way to do it.

I'll think about it. But, for the time being, I prefer to use my time on other projects, even though yours are interesting, too.

rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

No worries. I just like to remind people that sometimes the fastest way to get a feature is to implement it themselves. I definitely want this to happen, I'm just not sure when we'll get to it. We're just a handful of guys doing this in our spare time.

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

Oh wow, that's a good one! ...the addin is registered with a CommandLineSafe DWORD, value 0. AFAIK it isn't possible to load VBE addins from a command line; the DWORD can have an effect in the actual VB6 IDE though...

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

At first I thought "VBA can't load VBE add-ins from command-line, this isn't going to be possible".

Then I had an idea. AssertClass is being exposed via the COM API, and whether or not the add-in is loaded into the IDE is irrelevant - as far as VBA is concerned, it's just another library that contains external code.

So I went on to expose a TestRunner class to the COM API, and wrote this method in a standard module (.bas):

Public Sub RunUnitTests()
    With New Rubberduck.TestRunner
        Debug.Print .RunAllTests(Application.VBE)
    End With
End Sub

And it worked (here running the two unmodified unit test templates):

Rubberduck Unit Tests - 07/06/2015 3:21:10 AM
VBAProject.TestModule1.TestMethod1  6ms Inconclusive 
VBAProject.TestModule1.TestMethod2  0ms Failed Fail assertion failed. Expected error was not raised.

But that's not the best part.

namespace Rubberduck.UnitTesting
    public interface ITestRunner
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs all Rubberduck unit tests in the IDE, optionally outputting results to specified text file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vbe"></param>
        /// <param name="outputFilePath"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns a string containing the test results.</returns>
        string RunAllTests(VBE vbe, string outputFilePath = null);

The API RunAllTests method not only returns a string containing the test results for immediate output... it also takes an optional string parameter specifying the name of the text file to output test results to.

Guess what this did:

Public Sub RunUnitTests()
    With New Rubberduck.TestRunner
        Debug.Print .RunAllTests(Application.VBE, "C:\Dev\RD_Tests.txt")
    End With
End Sub

(commit aa39249b)

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

So basically, if you can run a macro from the command-line, you can run a macro that runs all tests and outputs the results; you can even split the result string on vbNewLine and save the test results into a db table. The only thing is that it requires passing an instance of the VBE, because TestRunner can't use the instance that's provided by the add-in.

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago


Thank you for your fast response.

However, it seems that I'm missing something in my module. How do I declare/reference the missing part?:



rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

You would have to build the project yourself. Otherwise, it won't be available to you until the next time we release a new version. We closed the issue to indicate that it has been resolved in the next version. We've just not released that version yet.

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

@HenrikBach1 the change is sitting in our [next] branch, which we haven't released yet - we'll post on Rubberduck News and on Twitter as soon as we do!

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

Oh, I see. Thank you so very much... :+1:

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago


Hmmm, maybe, I'm asking stupid; But, how do I build and install the project, then?

I've downloaded, unzipped a clone of the project. Loaded and builded the solution, successfully. But, how do I go from here? There seems to be no Installers or executables. What should I look for and replace to get everything running?


rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

That should pretty much do it. If you've successfully built the solution (from the next branch), then you should be able to access the library.

One catch is you might have to remove the reference in VBA, and browse to the /bin directory to add a reference. @retailcoder I know you moved the projects around again. Which *.tlb would @HenrikBach1 need to reference?

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

@ckuhn203 I've folded Rubberduck.UnitTesting.dll back into the main Rubberduck.dll library, so the type library will remain Rubberduck.tlb, at least in RD 1.4.

@HenrikBach1 for a dev build to work, you'll need uninstall the release build, and re-register the VBE add-in manually in regedit.exe, under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VBA\VBE\6.0\Addins\Rubberduck.Extension:


The Rubberduck.Extension key needs these values:

On a Microsoft Office x64 setup you need to create the key under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VBA\VBE\6.0\Addins64.

This key is where Office VBA looks for installed VBE add-ins; load behavior 3 specifies "load at startup".

A successful build from Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (we're using Community Edition) should register all the COM types.

In the Rubberduck project properties, make EXCEL.EXE (specify the full path) launch on debug if you want to F5-launch the solution from within Visual Studio - if it works from VS, then launching Excel (or any Office app for that matter) without VS should load your last build.

Let me/us know how it goes!

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

Thank you for your fast responses.

However, I found, that I've downloaded wrong branch. Now I've downloaded your [next] branch:


BtW, which configuration should I build - I'm running Windows 7 - x64, VS 2013 Pro, Office 2013?

And should I build solution or Rubberduck?

Just to be sure...


retailcoder commented 9 years ago

Debug configuration should be good; build the solution. You must be running VS as administrator to register the COM types :wink:

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

Also note, we're still working on the next release, so the [next] branch isn't exactly stable (although it's getting there) - feel free to submit issues if you discover any bugs, we'll try to fix it before we ship it :smile:

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

I've builded the solution with Debug configuration as Administrator to register the COM types and I've edited my registry for Office 2013 for x64 setup.

Everything seems to be in good condition, when I start my Access database with loaded VBA modules. Even Test Explore shows my two Tests... :-)

However, I get this error when I try to "Run all tests" in the Rubberduck menu:


What did I miss?


Hosch250 commented 9 years ago

@HenrikBach1 You are referencing 1.22's TLB. You need to update the TLB in Tools / References.

rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

@retailcoder when you folded unit tests back into the main project, did you revert the changes to the auto-reference?

@HenrikBach1 if you go to Tools>>References, you'll need to make sure you've got a good reference to Rubberduck. I'd recommend browsing to the project's bin folder to add the reference.

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

@ckuhn203 I did. ... ....I think.

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

Didn't need to:

    public static void EnsureReferenceToAddInLibrary(this VBProject project)
        var referencePath = Path.ChangeExtension(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, ".tlb");

        List<Reference> existing = project.References.Cast<Reference>().Where(r => r.Name == "Rubberduck").ToList();
        foreach (Reference reference in existing)

        if (project.References.Cast<Reference>().All(r => r.FullPath != referencePath))

The .tlb location is acquired via reflection magic.

Now, looking at this code just made me realize, if we run this extension method just prior to executing unit tests, we'll always have the correct version referenced, since it removes any "Rubberduck" prior to adding the correct one. Thoughts? Perhaps we could amend it to only remove a reference when its FullPath doesn't match the referencePath?

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

After an unregister and then a register did the job. Now, it runs when I start it manually.

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

@HenrikBach1 you mean with the new TestRunner API? Awesome! :hatching_chick:

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

Yes, and now I can reference it from an Access procedure as suggested. Now, I've to think a test infrastructure up. Thanks again, guys... :+1:

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

Oh, yeah, another thing,

Can you remove the time stamps and running time in the output file. Then, it will make things easier to make a comparison with a baseline file, I think...:

Rubberduck Unit Tests Spartacus.Test_qryGetArtifactTypeTo_prmArtifactID.Test_qryGetArtifactTypeTo_prmArtifactID_1 Succeeded Spartacus.Test_qryGetArtifactTypeTo_prmArtifactID.Test_qryGetArtifactTypeTo_prmArtifactID_0 Succeeded


HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

And is there a way I somehow can short or make calls to tests get the same appearance:

Rubberduck Unit Tests Spartacus.Test_qryGetArtifactTypeTo_prmArtifactID.Test_qryGetArtifactTypeTo_prmArtifactID_0 Succeeded Spartacus.Test_qryGetArtifactTypeTo_prmArtifactID.Test_qryGetArtifactTypeTo_prmArtifactID_1 Succeeded


retailcoder commented 9 years ago

The output file is merely a convenience. You can take full control of the output by intercepting the String output and writing the file yourself (untested):

Dim output As String
With New Rubberduck.TestRunner
    output = .RunAllTests(Application.VBE)
End With

Dim outputLines() As Variant
outputLines = Split(output, vbNewLine)

Dim lineFields() As Variant
Dim line As Long
For line = LBound(outputLines) + 1 To UBound(outputLines) 'skip 1st line
    lineFields = Split(outputLines(line), vbTab)

    'lineFields(0) contains the QualifiedTestMethodName
    'CLng(Left(lineFields(1),Len(lineFields(1)) - 2) ' gets the number of milliseconds
    'lineFields(2) returns the outcome ....and the output message, if any.
    '''lineFields(3) ...there's currently no tab between the outcome and the message... will change that.

Now that I think of it... the release version of TestRunner.RunAllTests might return an ArrayList containing RubberduckTestResult objects instead of a String.

Dim output As Variant
With New Rubberduck.TestRunner
    output = .RunAllTests(Application.VBE)
End With

Dim fn As Integer
fn = FreeFile

Open "C:\Dev\RD_Tests.txt" For Append As #fn
Print #fn, "Unit Test Session: " & Now

Dim result As Rubberduck.RubberduckTestResult
For Each result In output
    Write #fn, result.ModuleName, _
               result.MethodName, _
               result.Outcome, _

Close #fn

Yeah that would be much cleaner.. thoughts?

rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

I don't much like requiring people to use ArrayList, but I think the concept is sound. It would be easier to expose the output as a plain Enumerable. Exposing TestResult to com should be pretty trivial.

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

Actually... @ckuhn203 how about returning a TestSession object that would expose members such as:

string UserName { get; }
DateTime SessionStart { get; }
DateTime SessionEnd { get; }
int SucceededTestCount { get; }
int FailedTestCount { get; }
int InconclusiveTestCount { get; }
TestResult[] Results { get; }

And then we just make TestResult COM-visible?

rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

I think that's a very good idea, but let's make Results Enumerable so it can be iterated over with a For Each loop. Also, I can't shake the feeling that the managed code should also be making use of TestRunner.

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

Something strange has happened with my VBE so I can't debug (the debugger seems to ignore my break points) anymore - Any suggestions?

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

@HenrikBach1 if your breakpoints are hollow it means the code in VS isn't for the build that's running in the VBE (assuming the VBE has the add-in loaded). Try right-clicking the solution and making a clean+rebuild.

Otherwise, you have a Stack Exchange account? Join us in Code Review's VBA Rubberducking chatroom anytime! (we can authorize you if you don't have the 20 rep points normally required to talk in chat).

rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

@Henrik the VBE or VS?

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

It is in the VBE. I'll contact you the SE account.

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

I did a clean+rebuild as administrator and it did the job. However, now the Rubberduck.TestRunner class isn't recognized anymore...

rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

Do you have RD installed side by side the development version? I imagine that could cause problems.

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

Yes, I had. Now removed.

Made a clean+rebuild, again, as Admin, re-referenced RD.tlb from: C:\Users\sad\OneDrive\Projects\Private\Rubberduck\Rubberduck-next\Rubberduck-next\RetailCoder.VBE\bin\Debug

However, the problem still persists and the RD menu is gone, too, after I removed the RD install...

rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

Ahh. Yes. You'll need to manually register the addin by adding the registry keys found here.

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

Now, my RD menu is back and debugging works with RD "installed".

But, the VBE is still annoyed not to find the RD.TestRunner class, when I try to run macros...

retailcoder commented 9 years ago

@HenrikBach1 make sure you are referencing the .tlb and that the reference isn't broken - it's possible it breaks every time you rebuild RD. Once the reference is ok, verify that the TestRunner class is exposed in the object browser (F2 in the VBE).

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

Yes, it is exposed in the object browser and the reference to the .tlb is not broken. I'll try a reboot...

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

No effect. The VBE can't somehow not see/reference the .tlb, even if I can look it up in the object browser.

rubberduck203 commented 9 years ago

Are you connected to the right *.tlb? You'd want the one under ./Rubberduck/RetailCoder.VBE/bin/Debug/ not the one that's whereever you installed.

Or... Wait... The installer should have removed that. COM registration issue maybe??

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago

I was thinking of that, too, and I'm trying to build an install. But, I ran into problems, because I can't figure out Inno Setup's error messages and why they appear...

On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 9:06 PM, Christopher McClellan <> wrote:

Are you connected to the right *.tlb? You'd want the one under ./Rubberduck/RetailCoder.VBE/bin/Debug/ not the one that's whereever you installed.

Or... Wait... The installer should have removed that. COM registration issue maybe??

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards Henrik Bach

Civilingeniør/Cand. Polyt./M.Sc.E. JTI: ENFP

Email: bach dot henrik at gmail dot com M: +45 20 87 10 35 Fight back globalism - Start locally: Educate your self!

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago


Now, I've build my own Install (from the .iss file) and am able to use it. However, it seems that the original install ( of RD isn't able to run macros, too, because, I've made a clean and fresh install on a new fresh computer and it wasn't able to run macros, too.

Everything else seems to work...


On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Henrik Bach wrote:

I was thinking of that, too, and I'm trying to build an install. But, I ran into problems, because I can't figure out Inno Setup's error messages and why they appear...

On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 9:06 PM, Christopher McClellan <> wrote:

Are you connected to the right *.tlb? You'd want the one under ./Rubberduck/RetailCoder.VBE/bin/Debug/ not the one that's whereever you installed.

Or... Wait... The installer should have removed that. COM registration issue maybe??

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards Henrik Bach

Civilingeniør/Cand. Polyt./M.Sc.E. JTI: ENFP

Email: bach dot henrik at gmail dot com M: +45 20 87 10 35 Fight back globalism - Start locally: Educate your self!

Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards Henrik Bach

Civilingeniør/Cand. Polyt./M.Sc.E. JTI: ENFP

Email: bach dot henrik at gmail dot com M: +45 20 87 10 35 Fight back globalism - Start locally: Educate your self!

HenrikBach1 commented 9 years ago


After having played around a lot, I think the issue is, that the TestRunner class isn't somehow correctly registered. It was my Access database that luckily brought a reference to the Rubberduck COM object with it and accidentally the compiled source code was brought to the clean computer, too. That way everything else seemed to work when peeking with the Object Browser and References... :-(

Now, I've released the reference to the Rubberduck COM object in VBE. Uninstalled RD. Installed the original RD (, which now shows no reference to the Rubberduck COM object! in VBE.

Any ideas?
