rubegartor / ReelSteady-Joiner

ReelSteady Joiner merge multiple GoPro separate video files into one without losing the gyro data
MIT License
93 stars 6 forks source link

No Chapters Found #40

Closed dmunsie closed 1 year ago

dmunsie commented 1 year ago

I put .mp4 files in a folder, I select the folder, it says "No Chapters Found". (Windows 11)

Please detail.....exactly....step by step how to use this update. The old one worked fine except it had some issues with losing gyro data occasionally on longer files or when joining 3 or more. Thanks for your help.

rubegartor commented 1 year ago

Please use ....exactly.... the bug report template and add all the required information.

I develop ReelSteady Joiner in my spare time and without any compensation for it, let's make things easy between us...

dmunsie commented 1 year ago

100% user error. Sorry.....