rubenlagus / TelegramApi

Java library to create Telegram Clients
MIT License
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Get user real name and last name #75

Open jabolina opened 6 years ago

jabolina commented 6 years ago

Exists a method for this in the official documentation,

In ruben implementation, the TLMethod is TLRequestUsersGetFullUser passing the userId. But, when I do the RPC call, is returned the object FullUser, but the parameters in the Telegram docs:

real_first_name:string real_last_name:string

Don't come with the request response. The code I used the do this:

public void getFullUser(IUser user) {"RPC to get full user to user [{}]", ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(user));

    try {
        TLRequestUsersGetFullUser getFullUser = new TLRequestUsersGetFullUser();

        TLUserFull userFull = kernelComm.doRpcCallSync(getFullUser);

        if (userFull.getUser() instanceof TLUser) {
  "USER_FULL: [{}]", ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(userFull));
  "USER: [{}]", ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(userFull.getUser()));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOG.error("Exception getting user info", ex);

The LOG returns this:

USER_FULL: [org.telegram.api.user.TLUserFull@1e813ff1[flags=16,user=user.TLUser#2e13f4c3,about=<null>,,profilePhoto=<null>,notifySettings=peerNotifySettings#9acda4c0,botInfo=<null>,commonChatsCount=0]]
USER: [org.telegram.api.user.TLUser@5b6deaf4[flags=6231,accessHash=-8678087293724309622,firstName=Neppo,lastName=322,userName=,phone=5534999837403,photo=<null>,status=userStatusOnline#edb93949,botInfoVersion=0,restrictionReason=<null>,botInlinePlaceholder=<null>,langCode=<null>,id=637946833]]

There is another way to get this info? Or change the ruben API and make a pr?