rubenlagus / TelegramApi

Java library to create Telegram Clients
MIT License
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onUpdateReceived (Update update) method doesn't react to messages sent by the same bot that method is in #85

Open stormstricker opened 5 years ago

stormstricker commented 5 years ago

I have this method:

public class MyBot extends TelegramLongPollingBot {
    public void onUpdateReceived(Update update) {
        System.out.println("we have an update!");

That prints we have an update! just fine when it's me (a user) sending a message to a channel. But if the sender is that same bot, it doesn't react (doesn't print anything). Is there a way to cope with it? I need the bot to react to messages (print we have an update) that it has sent.

I send messages using execute method with chat_id set to the channel's id. The messages the bot sents to the channel, get displayed as sent under the channel's name.

stormstricker commented 5 years ago

The only way I managed to solve it is by adding a second bot to the same channel that gets the updates sent by the first bot. It works fine.