rubenlagus / TelegramBots

Java library to create bots using Telegram Bots API
MIT License
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Error AbilityBot - NoClassDefFoundError LongArrayList #365

Closed BlackRose01 closed 6 years ago

BlackRose01 commented 6 years ago

Hello there,

I've got a problem with starting my AbilityBot. When I try to start the code below I get the following error. Even the ExampleBot doesn't work. The TelegramBot-Package is from Maven in Version 3.5.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/collections/impl/list/mutable/primitive/LongArrayList at org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract.<init>(StoreDirectAbstract.kt:41) at org.mapdb.StoreWAL.<init>(StoreWAL.kt:31) at org.mapdb.StoreWAL$Companion.make(StoreWAL.kt:56) at org.mapdb.StoreWAL$Companion.make$default(StoreWAL.kt:55) at org.mapdb.DBMaker$Maker.make(DBMaker.kt:464) at org.telegram.abilitybots.api.db.MapDBContext.onlineInstance( at<init>( at Gaia.Nereide.Telegram.<init>( at Gaia.Nereide.Telegram.<init>( at Gaia.Nereide.Start.main(

Here is my code:

`import; import org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Ability;

import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Locality.ALL; import static org.telegram.abilitybots.api.objects.Privacy.PUBLIC;

public class ExampleBot extends AbilityBot { public static final String BOT_TOKEN = "BOT_TOKEN"; public static final String BOT_USERNAME = "BOT_USERNAME";

public ExampleBot() { super(BOT_TOKEN, BOT_USERNAME); }

@Override public int creatorId() { return 123456789; }

public Ability sayHelloWorld() { return Ability .builder() .name("hello") .info("says hello world!") .locality(ALL) .privacy(PUBLIC) .action(ctx -> silent.send("Hello world!", ctx.chatId())) .build(); } }`

I can't find any solution for this problem. Where is the problem?

Thank you.

addo47 commented 6 years ago

How exactly are you building your dependencies? Are you using jar files or compiling via Maven/Gradle?

BlackRose01 commented 6 years ago

I compile via Maven. I also used the jar files but i get the same the error.

addo47 commented 6 years ago

Can you supply me the full source code of your sample project so that I can reproduce the issue?

Fricofresh commented 6 years ago

I think you don't have the AbilityBot dependancy. Do you have the following code in your pom.xml?




I haven't checked if this would work but it could help you.

Edit: If you didn't include the AbilityBot in Maven (look the code on top) then it should work. I have tested it now and It's working.

BlackRose01 commented 6 years ago

@Fricofresh This is the package I use from Maven. I also tried the compiled jar with all dependencies.

The code is attached. ExampleBot.txt

BlackRose01 commented 6 years ago

I also tested from add37 the examplebots but I get the same error.



addo47 commented 6 years ago

Any updates for this issue @BlackRose01? Otherwise, I'll work on exploring the issue. It still believe it's a packaging/DM issue.

BlackRose01 commented 6 years ago

Hello @addo37, I tried some code snippets and I figured out that the ApiContextInitializer also have to initialize. I thought that it must not be implement. So I think the problem is solved but I forgot to close this topic. Thank you for the reply.