rubenmate / draw-entity-relation

A web application developed as my final project for the Computer Engineering Degree. It allows users to model entity-relationship diagrams and export them to SQL scripts after validation.
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Feature: Add (simple) relations between entities #21

Closed rubenmate closed 4 weeks ago

rubenmate commented 1 month ago


Entities can be related to others and themselves through various types of relations. These relations come with predefined cardinalities that dictate the nature of the relationship.


Proposed Solution:

Introduce a toolbar icon representing the relation vertex (rhombus). This icon should be draggable onto the canvas, allowing entities to form connections with it. Once connected, the resulting edge can be assigned a specific cardinality. This assignment will occur by selecting the edge and choosing from a list of possible cardinalities presented in a contextual menu.


This issue will cover only the most basic type of relation.