Hi! I use angular-gettext-tools with @gabegorelick 's gulp-angular-gettext. Everyhing is okay with html files, but I fail to extract strings from js file. I tried both gettextCatalog.getString and gettext functions - together and separately - nothing worked.
My code for extraction looks like this:
$scope.openCreateOfferPopup = function($event, buttonState) {
if (buttonState) {
var params;
if (!$rootScope.dashboard.spots || $rootScope.dashboard.spots.length === 0) {
params = {
title: 'Spots needed',
content: gettextCatalog.getString(gettext("Oops! You need to add your spot before creating an offer!"))+
'<br/>'+gettextCatalog.getString(gettext("Please, click on Create new spot button")),
buttons: [{
text: gettextCatalog.getString(gettext("Create spot")),
href: '',
'class': '',
ngClick: 'openCreateSpotPopup($event)',
ngController: 'SpotsController'
}, {
text: gettextCatalog.getString(gettext("cancel")),
href: '#',
'class': 'b-close'
DialogService.makeDialog(params, $scope);
My gulp task looks like this:
import gulp from 'gulp';
import gettext from 'gulp-angular-gettext';
//import debug from 'gulp-debug';
gulp.task('pot', function () {
return gulp.src(['src/app/**/*.html','src/app/**/*.js',
//.pipe(debug({title: 'files to translate:'}))
.pipe(gettext.extract('template.pot', {
// options to pass to angular-gettext-tools...
I am pretty sure that js file is passed to aangular-gettext-tools - I used gulp-debug to verify it.
Could you point me to the source of this problem?
I have gulp-angular-gettext@2.1.0 using angular-gettext-tools@2.1.13 and gulp 4.0.0-alpha.2
Hi! I use angular-gettext-tools with @gabegorelick 's gulp-angular-gettext. Everyhing is okay with html files, but I fail to extract strings from js file. I tried both gettextCatalog.getString and gettext functions - together and separately - nothing worked.
My code for extraction looks like this:
My gulp task looks like this:
I am pretty sure that js file is passed to aangular-gettext-tools - I used gulp-debug to verify it.
Could you point me to the source of this problem?
I have gulp-angular-gettext@2.1.0 using angular-gettext-tools@2.1.13 and gulp 4.0.0-alpha.2