rubenv / sql-migrate

SQL schema migration tool for Go.
MIT License
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Feature Proposal: Enhanced Logging for Migrations #266

Open eklatzer opened 1 month ago

eklatzer commented 1 month ago

Hey, it would be nice to be able to activate additional logging when applying migrations. Similar requests:

I know, there is no common logger interface in Go, but what about defining a minimal one to at least get some details, especially when using sql-migrate as lib. Additionally, this could also be benefiting for the standalone tool, as there could be a new flag (e.g. --verbose).

Small example of the change: (the Logger interface definition is subject of discussion and could for example be extended to info and error or something similar):

type MigrationSet struct {
    Logger Logger

var migSet = MigrationSet{}

func SetLogger(l Logger) {
    if l != nil {
        migSet.Logger = l

type Logger interface {
    Printf(format string, v ...any)

func (ms *MigrationSet) printf(format string, v ...any) {
    if ms.Logger == nil {

    ms.Logger.Printf(format, v...)

func Exec(migrations []string) error {
    // execute migrations
    for _, migration := range migrations {
        // apply migration

        // log additional execution info
        migSet.printf("Executing migration: %s\n", migration)

    return nil

Please let me know, what you think about this proposal and if we can move on to a PR.

eklatzer commented 1 month ago

@rubenv Do you already have an info for me regarding this proposal?