rubenvereecken / pokemongo-api

Pokemon Go API for Python
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errors while using items #65

Closed dnsBlah closed 8 years ago

dnsBlah commented 8 years ago

For using Raspberries or Catching pokemons I'm finding a lot of issues responses with status_code 3 etc even with a delay of 10 seconds, i still get this status_code

rubenvereecken commented 8 years ago

I'm actually not sure what 3 is supposed to mean?

dnsBlah commented 8 years ago

3 should be an ... bad request or whatever. But I'm now also getting it on get_map_objects, everywhere

then I receive it, and then I dont :-/ loads of cooldown timers

(in the session request)
If response != 1
   return None

(in the bot)
if getForts == None
    cooldown = 0
    while getForts == None
        getForts = session.getForts()
        if cooldown == 5: break
        cooldown += 1
    if getForts == None:
        print("No forts")
        return None

Something sketchy like that

dnsBlah commented 8 years ago

issue does not occure anymore since update