rubenvereecken / pokemongo-api

Pokemon Go API for Python
358 stars 120 forks source link

Proto update and Unknown6 Fix #70

Closed dmadisetti closed 8 years ago

dmadisetti commented 8 years ago


So this worked, and then it didn't. Then it worked again. Something is screwy- but not fully sure what.

For usage, requires the shared library (encrypt.dll or For copyright reasons, not provided. But with some searching you might be able to find it.

I'm going to bed, but if someone wants to try and debug this- feel free.

rubenvereecken commented 8 years ago

Thank you so much for merging in the newest changes. I'll have a decent look at once I get the time.

rubenvereecken commented 8 years ago

Eh could you maybe leave a tiny note in the Readme on where to find the required library?

progmatik commented 8 years ago

I get it work but need to change location every time it asks to find forts. So I wrote a script based on every time I walk to a fort I get his location and pass it to args.location