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[SUGGESTION] Saving ADQL Queries #32

Open dbrethauer opened 1 year ago

dbrethauer commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When using ADQL to search through TAP, it would be very helpful to be able to save personal queries which currently does not exist. This kind of feature would be most useful for time domain, so that a query can be used repeatedly in search for various kinds of objects.

Describe the solution you'd like A tab or list of queries that I have written and named to call upon and run, tied to my account. The idea is to not have to re-enter the ADQL query every time I would like to use it.

Describe alternatives you've considered If a saved query option is not possible, a tab that presents previously run queries would also be useful! Additionally, it may be helpful in the future to be able to share those queries.

Thank you for your consideration!

gpdf commented 1 year ago

Hi, Daniel,

Thank you for taking the time to post this after raising the point in our kick-off session. We benefit from getting users' feedback on the record, whether it's a report of a problem, a suggestion for something new, or a confirmation of interest in something that's still in our plan. Resources are limited, so all input to prioritization is welcome.

In this case, we already shared your desires, and we do in fact have requirements on the Science Platform to provide something very much like what you have in mind:

These facilities will be provided in future releases of the Science Platform. Some or all of them may be available in future Data Previews, in advance of the Rubin Observatory operational era. The detailed schedule for this is still under review, which is one of the reasons we welcome your feedback.

For further details, you can consult the Data Management requirements (document LSE-61) and the Science Platform requirements (LDM-554), and in particular these requirements:

MelissaGraham commented 1 year ago

@gpdf and @frossie, could this issue be closed, as it is functionality that is planned to exist in the future?

frossie commented 1 year ago

Just to update, this is still on the work queue and we're keeping the ticket open until then.

frossie commented 8 months ago

This is still on the list, but is not imminent during Data Preview 0.