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[BUG] Error in tutorial notebook 02_Catalog_Queries_with_TAP #35

Closed Kabelo-T closed 1 year ago

Kabelo-T commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Queries take much longer than the tutorial notebook suggests.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the tutorial notebooks on the RSP instance on the IDF under /notebooks
  2. Click on 02_Catalog_Queries_with_TAP
  3. Scroll down to section 3.2. Cone search specifying the maximum number of records
  4. See error

Expected behavior Small error in the notebook, in every cell that says the queries should take 2-10s they actually usually take close to 4mins.




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MelissaGraham commented 1 year ago

My apologies @Kabelo-T, this issue completely escaped my notice.

For staff, it is being addressed with

MelissaGraham commented 1 year ago

OK, I did some tests, and the cells that can take just a few seconds do sometimes take more time, but always <2 minutes. Changed all text to say "This query usually takes <2 minutes" to avoid future confusion. But there's nothing wrong with the queries or anything.

Changes have been pushed to main and so will appear to users in the next release to prod, by Patch Thu Sep 15 if not before.

Closing issue.