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[BUG] Missing comma #56

Closed gschwend closed 9 months ago

gschwend commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug A very simple bug fix: the two queries in section 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 of notebook DP02_02_Catalog_Queries_with_TAP.ipynb miss a comma between the column names detect_isPrimary and g_cModelFlux.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to notebook DP02_02_Catalog_Queries_with_TAP.ipynb
  2. Run all the cells up to section 3.2.3
  3. See the error in the display of the dataframes attributed to the variables results_table and results1_table. The column detect_isPrimary is missing and the column g_cModelFlux appears as a boolean data in the resulting dataframes.

Expected behavior detect_isPrimary should show boolean data and g_cModelFlux floats.

Screenshots image


jeffcarlin commented 9 months ago

Thanks for catching this, Julia! I have fixed the error in the notebook, and merged it to the main and prod branches, so you should see a "repaired" version of the notebook the next time you log in.

gschwend commented 9 months ago

You're welcome! I tried to fix it myself in a separate branch with the intention of opening a pull request, but I encoutered a permission barrier (which makes sense!). Thanks for the quick response :)