rubinius / rubinius

The Rubinius Language Platform
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(non-issue) rubinius cache file rubinius-codedb-cache.bz2 is not a tape archive #3842

Open spchamp opened 2 years ago

spchamp commented 2 years ago

Update: Taking a look at library/rubinius/configuration.rb it seems that the codedb file may not in fact represent a compressed tape archive. Having noticed that the codelib and stdlib files may represent compressed tape archives, I suppose I'd assumed that this third file for the build would be of a similar format. Assuming it's not a corrupted tape archive - if it's not a compressed tape archive, at all - will return to the porting work, shortly.

Retaining the text of the original issue report, here, for purpose of consistency

  1. What command did you run?

On a FreeBSD 12.1 host:

$ wget
(wget output)

$ sha512 rubinius-codedb-cache.bz2 SHA512 (rubinius-codedb-cache.bz2) = 5e07e637a4f1bf0e9ab875c10452a32a6e53621461c2e19357bd2d53fca764b5f749d4e36055ca6eabdfefc5e003c3d748245cc845f30f77c5029a9480faa7ec

$ cat rubinius-codedb-cache.bz2.sha512 5e07e637a4f1bf0e9ab875c10452a32a6e53621461c2e19357bd2d53fca764b5f749d4e36055ca6eabdfefc5e003c3d748245cc845f30f77c5029a9480faa7ec

$ mkdir -p /tmp/rubinius_tmp/rubinius-codedb-cache && tar -jxvf rubinius-codedb-cache.bz2 -C /tmp/rubinius_tmp/rubinius-codedb-cache
tar: Can't parse line 33813
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.

2. **What behavior did you expect?**

> The Bzip2-compressed ~tape~ archive file should be readable

3. **What behavior did you get instead?**

> The Bzip2-compressed ~tape~ archive file was not ~completely readable;~ tar ~did not extract any files~

4. **What version of Rubinius?**

> This is in trying to develop a patch for updating the former FreeBSD lang/rubinius port, working with distsrc for Rubinius v5.0

5. **What version of operating system?**

> `FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p1 #0 8d3f226f4(ci/releng/12.1/patch-with-makefile-hacks: Sat Mar  7 12:38:21 PST 2020  amd64`

6. **What is your operating system distribution, if your operating system has more than one?**

> FreeBSD 12.1 (local build)

7. **How did you build your version of Rubinius?**

> n/a (working on it, with FreeBSD ports)

8. **Does this issue involve proprietary code?**

> I don't believe it does, though I'm unable to see what's bundled in that specific cache distfile

9. **Are you able to help us debug the issue?**

> Absolutely. ~However, I'm afraid there may not be much I can do for this specific part of bootstrapping the build-tools, at this time.~

> The archive would pass an sha512 check, ~but~ it was not readable to FreeBSD tar