rubixchain / rubixcorejava

Java core Framework - Rubix Blockchain
2 stars 3 forks source link

Delete this goddam shit plz #95

Open Billy-Herrington opened 1 year ago

Billy-Herrington commented 1 year ago

This code is completly bullshit, I truly hope that this code has been written by some monkey, or kid ( <10 y.o ), public static each method ?? .idea ??? packages with capital letter ?? out folder ??

 File contactsFile = new File(DATA_PATH + "Contacts.json");
        if (!contactsFile.exists()) {
            writeToFile(DATA_PATH + "Contacts.json", new JSONArray().toString(), false);
        location = dirPath + "PaymentsApp/";
        File workingDir = new File(location);
        if (!workingDir.exists()) {

            JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
            JSONObject contentObject = new JSONObject();
            contentObject.put("response", "User's Wallet Missing!");
            result.put("data", contentObject);
            result.put("message", "");
            result.put("status", "false");
            result.put("error_code", 403);
            return result.toString();
        File bnk00file = new File(location + "BNK00.json");
        File bnk01file = new File(location + "BNK01.json");
        File bnk10file = new File(location + "BNK10.json");
        File bnk11file = new File(location + "BNK11.json");
        File tokenMapFile = new File(location + "TokenMap.json");

Guys, please dont ever touch keyboard !!!

I dont fcking know how to express my emotions

Equilibriumty commented 1 year ago
