Make a folder in resources->view->admin name it "authorBooks" and create four page name "index.blade.php","edit.blade.php","show.blade.php","create.blade.php" in this folder.
Make Menu for book on left side menu list.
Add some data in manual way to author-books table in database
Show list of author-books from database authorBooks table.
Do not use blade code to design just use normal HTML.
Add "plus" icon with "Add New Book" button and when user click on this button it redirect user to create new author-books page
Add "eye" icon with show button and here only icon will be remain not the show text when user move the on courser on this icon it hover "Show" text.
Add "pencil" icon with edit button and here only icon will be remain not the edit text when user move the on courser on this icon it hover "Edit" text.
Add "trash" icon with delete button and here only icon will be remain not the delete text when user move the on courser on this icon it hover "Delete" text
Make A design for create file
Store all form data in authorBooks table
When user click on Show button in index page of authorBooks ,it takes user to authorBooks Show page.
Make A design for show file
You must be write html code not laravel blade code for designing this view.
show book Details data.Here i need only one authorBooks details data from database which i click on index page.
I don't need list of authorBooks . example-i click on show button of authorBooks id-1 then it show me all details about authorBooks id-1 in show page.
When user click on Edit button from authorBooks index page,it takes user to authorBooks Edit page.
Make design for Edit file
Update authorBooks data.
When a user click on delete button of a data in index.html page from authorBooks page.The system will delete that authorBooks data from database.