rubocop / rspec-style-guide

Best practices for writing your specs!
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Restore references to original discussions and sources #98

Closed pirj closed 3 years ago

pirj commented 5 years ago

After conversion to AsciiDoc (#95) due to significant markup changes, the references to original discussions and sources were lost. A good place to check them is the result of git blame.


 Pick "use factories" rule from betterspecs

Original links:
Discussion: lelylan/betterspecs#11


Since this is a living document, it's very hard to rely on git blame in the long run to keep track of the sources. Having reference links to discussions in some way would be very helpful for the curious about the reasoning behind the recommendations.

Related to #89

pirj commented 3 years ago

This is something that is really hard to do.

And if for some reason a certain guideline is so unclear that even the guide maintainers can't explain the reasoning behind it, we should remove or significantly adjust such a guideline.