[x] Commit message starts with [Fix #issue-number] (if the related issue exists).
[x] Feature branch is up-to-date with master (if not - rebase it).
[x] Squashed related commits together.
[x] Added tests.
[x] Ran bundle exec rake default. It executes all tests and runs RuboCop on its own code.
[x] Added an entry (file) to the changelog folder named {change_type}_{change_description}.md if the new code introduces user-observable changes. See changelog entry format for details.
Another error that is more likely to occur while running RuboCop in LSP mode.
Before submitting the PR make sure the following are checked:
[Fix #issue-number]
(if the related issue exists).master
(if not - rebase it).bundle exec rake default
. It executes all tests and runs RuboCop on its own code.{change_type}_{change_description}.md
if the new code introduces user-observable changes. See changelog entry format for details.