[x] Commit message starts with [Fix #issue-number] (if the related issue exists).
[x] Feature branch is up-to-date with master (if not - rebase it).
[x] Squashed related commits together.
[x] Added tests.
[x] Ran bundle exec rake default. It executes all tests and runs RuboCop on its own code.
[x] Added an entry (file) to the changelog folder named {change_type}_{change_description}.md if the new code introduces user-observable changes. See changelog entry format for details.
Found at https://github.com/Shopify/shopify_app/blob/1dda5cb5642e34338961cc65d8069455e568e162/test/shopify_app/controller_concerns/token_exchange_test.rb#L30-L35
Before submitting the PR make sure the following are checked:
[Fix #issue-number]
(if the related issue exists).master
(if not - rebase it).bundle exec rake default
. It executes all tests and runs RuboCop on its own code.{change_type}_{change_description}.md
if the new code introduces user-observable changes. See changelog entry format for details.