rubrikinc / rubrik-sdk-for-powershell

Rubrik Module for PowerShell
MIT License
102 stars 87 forks source link

New-RubrikSnapshot throws supplied ID has no matching endpoint #841

Closed Dayst01 closed 11 months ago

Dayst01 commented 11 months ago

Current Behavior

I want to create a ondemand Snapshot for a RubrikNASshare and i used following command: 

But I get an error "The supplied id value has no matching endpoint" and no snapshot will be created, the verbose option gives me following informations: 

AUSFÜHRLICH: Validate the Rubrik token exists
AUSFÜHRLICH: Found a Rubrik token for authentication
AUSFÜHRLICH: Gather API Data for New-RubrikSnapshot
AUSFÜHRLICH: Selected 5.3 API Data for New-RubrikSnapshot
AUSFÜHRLICH: Load API data for New-RubrikSnapshot
AUSFÜHRLICH: Description: Create an on-demand snapshot for the given object ID
AUSFÜHRLICH: Determining the SLA Domain id
AUSFÜHRLICH: Validate the Rubrik token exists
AUSFÜHRLICH: Found a Rubrik token for authentication
AUSFÜHRLICH: Gather API Data for Get-RubrikSLA
AUSFÜHRLICH: Selected 5.0 API Data for Get-RubrikSLA
AUSFÜHRLICH: Load API data for Get-RubrikSLA
AUSFÜHRLICH: Description: Retrieve summary information for all SLA Domains
AUSFÜHRLICH: Build the query parameters for primary_cluster_id
AUSFÜHRLICH: Submitting the request
AUSFÜHRLICH: Invoking request with a custom timeout of 100 seconds
AUSFÜHRLICH: GET with 0-byte payload
AUSFÜHRLICH: received 9153-byte response of content type application/json
AUSFÜHRLICH: Received HTTP Status 200
AUSFÜHRLICH: Formatting return value
AUSFÜHRLICH: Filter the results
AUSFÜHRLICH: Filter match = 'Name' with value = 'CIFS Daily Backup'
AUSFÜHRLICH: Getting SLA Domain frequency summary
AUSFÜHRLICH: No advanced config found
AUSFÜHRLICH: Applying Rubrik.SLADomain TypeName to results
AUSFÜHRLICH: Multiple URIs detected. Selecting URI based on HostShare:::ca15b9b3-37f1-4a18-a801-46090f56efee

Expected Behavior

Create a Snapshot of the NASShare that was specified in Get-RubriNASShare

Steps to Reproduce

Get-RubrikNASShare -exportPoint '{specified NASShare}' | New-RubrikSnapshot -SLA '{specified SLA Domain}'


PSVersion                     : 5.1.20348.2031
PSEdition                     : Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions          : {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                  : 10.0.20348.2031
CLRVersion                    : 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion             : 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion     : 2.3
SerializationVersion          :
HostConsoleName               : Windows PowerShell ISE Host
HostConsoleVersion            : 5.1.20348.2031
HostCulture                   : de-DE
HostCultureUI                 : de-DE
RubrikConnection              : True
UserAgentString               : RubrikPowerShellSDK-6.0.1--5.1.20348.2031--platform--Win32NT--platform_version--Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter20348
RubrikAuthentication          : Bearer
RubrikClusterVersion          : 8.1.3-p3-24955
RubrikCurrentModuleVersion    : 6.0.1
RubrikInstalledModule         : 6.0.1
RubrikModuleOptions           : ApplyCustomViewDefinitions = True; CredentialPath = ; DefaultWebRequestTimeOut = 100
RubrikModuleDefaultParameters :

Failure Logs

No response