rubrikinc / terraform-provider-polaris

Terraform provider for the Polaris platform
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Support for adding the Archive & Storage role to an Azure Subscription #142

Open joeharlan opened 3 months ago

joeharlan commented 3 months ago

One of the processes for onboarding an Azure Subscription in RSC includes adding a role to support creating archive locations based on a Blob Container in a Storage Account including all the right settings to support our process flow (e.g. versioning and immutability at the object level). The method for this exists in RSC today, but not in our TF provider and is a gap in the automated implementation.

Describe the solution you'd like

Support to add this functional area to the Subscription onboarding process. It would also be helpful to support the ability to define archive locations in the provider as well - either in the subscription module or another module dedicated to archive location deployment. Ideally both onboarding for this role as well as use of the role would be included together, else archive locations would have to be created/managed from the UI.

Describe alternatives you've considered

No known alternatives other than handling this entirely from the RSC UI.

Additional context


johan3141592 commented 1 month ago

Hi @joeharlan! I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are asking for? Is it to create archival locations? Similar to but for Azure?