ruby-av / paperclip-av-transcoder

Audio/Video Transcoder for Paperclip using FFMPEG/Avconv
MIT License
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Create an animated GIF thumbnail from a video? #26

Open bbozo opened 9 years ago

bbozo commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure if this is a feature request or it belongs to SO :) Is it possible to create an animated GIF from videos?

owahab commented 9 years ago

It's possible using FFMPEG but no current support in Ruby AV gem.

jacobshiff commented 7 years ago

I have been trying unsuccessfully to create an animated GIF from a video using FFMPEG settings. I have used the following settings so far. Any assistance would be much appreciated!

class CustomGif < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_attached_file :gif, styles: {
    original: {
      format: "gif",
      convert_options: {
        output: {
          t: "00:00:6.000"
  }, :processors => [:transcoder]
  validates_attachment_content_type :gif, content_type: /\Avideo\/.*\Z/

When I run custom_gif = params['video']), I receive the following output:

[AV] Running command: ffmpeg -ss 3 -i "/var/folders/7g/9142rygs6bngwl84c7bh4d6c0000gn/T/ac80cf3de4643bff7fec3a00dc9196d620160821-29940-1wvj48r.MOV" -f image2 -vframes 1 -t 00:00:6.000 -y "/var/folders/7g/9142rygs6bngwl84c7bh4d6c0000gn/T/ac80cf3de4643bff7fec3a00dc9196d620160821-29940-1wvj48r20160821-29940-1bfutyd.gif"
[paperclip] [transcoder] Successfully transcoded ac80cf3de4643bff7fec3a00dc9196d620160821-29940-1wvj48r to #<File:0x007f91da570468>
=> #<CustomGif:0x007f91da0e95c0
 id: nil,
 created_at: nil,
 updated_at: nil,
 gif_file_name: "capturedvideo.MOV",
 gif_content_type: "video/quicktime",
 gif_file_size: 15202,
 gif_updated_at: Sun, 21 Aug 2016 21:50:55 EDT -04:00>

And, when running, I receive the following error:

Command :: file -b --mime '/var/folders/7g/9142rygs6bngwl84c7bh4d6c0000gn/T/ac80cf3de4643bff7fec3a00dc9196d620160821-29940-dxocga.MOV'
[paperclip] Content Type Spoof: Filename capturedvideo.MOV (video/quicktime from Headers, ["video/quicktime"] from Extension), content type discovered from file command: image/jpeg. See documentation to allow this combination.
   (2.2ms)  ROLLBACK
=> false
wnm commented 7 years ago