It seems that the -ss position for input defaults to 3 seconds. I would like to set it to 0, but when I set it to 0 I receive the following error: Unable to find a suitable output format for '00:00:00'.
class CustomGif < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :gif, styles: {
original: {
format: "gif",
convert_options: {
input: {
ss: '00:00:00' #I also tried just '0'
output: {
t: "00:00:6.000"
}, :processors => [:transcoder]
validates_attachment_content_type :gif, content_type: /\Avideo\/.*\Z/
When I enter 'custom_gif = params['video'])' I receive the following output:
It seems that the -ss position for input defaults to 3 seconds. I would like to set it to 0, but when I set it to 0 I receive the following error: Unable to find a suitable output format for '00:00:00'.
When I enter 'custom_gif = params['video'])' I receive the following output: