ruby-concurrency / concurrent-ruby

Modern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, supervisors, and more. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Go, Java, JavaScript, and classic concurrency patterns.
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Memory leak in Concurrent::Future #959

Open leoarnold opened 2 years ago

leoarnold commented 2 years ago
* Operating system:                linux
* Ruby implementation:             MRI 2.6.6, 2.7.4, 3.1.2
* `concurrent-ruby` version:       1.1.10
* `concurrent-ruby-ext` installed: no
* `concurrent-ruby-edge` used:     no

When passing a block to Concurrent::Future.execute and waiting for the result, the Future can be garbage collected, but the return value of the block seems to stay in memory forever, as demonstrated by the following script:

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'bundler/inline'

gemfile(true) do
  source ''

  gem 'concurrent-ruby', '1.1.10'

class Thing; end

def block_while_things_in_memory(title)
  i = 0

  until ObjectSpace.each_object(Thing).count == 0
    i += 1
    puts "#{title} - #{i}. GC - #{ObjectSpace.each_object(Thing).count} Things, #{ObjectSpace.each_object(Concurrent::Future).count} Futures"

  puts "#{title}: No more Things in memory"

block_while_things_in_memory('Initial cleanup')

Concurrent::Future.execute do

block_while_things_in_memory('When block returns nil')

Concurrent::Future.execute do

block_while_things_in_memory('When block returns a Thing')

When running the script on several different versions of MRI, I always get something like this never ending output:

Fetching gem metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Using bundler 2.3.7
Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.10
Initial cleanup: No more Things in memory
When block returns nil - 1. GC - 1 Things, 1 Futures
When block returns nil: No more Things in memory
When block returns a Thing - 1. GC - 1 Things, 1 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 2. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 3. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 4. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 5. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 6. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 7. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 8. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 9. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 10. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 11. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 12. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 13. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 14. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 15. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 16. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 17. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 18. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 19. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 20. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 21. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 22. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 23. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 24. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 25. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 26. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 27. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 28. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
When block returns a Thing - 29. GC - 1 Things, 0 Futures
leoarnold commented 2 years ago

It turns out that there is way more leaking than just the return value of the block:

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'bundler/inline'

gemfile(true) do
  source ''

  gem 'concurrent-ruby', '1.1.10'
  gem 'memory_profiler', '~> 1'

class Thing; end

def report(title, &block)
  puts title


report('Warmup') do
  Concurrent::Future.execute { }.wait

report('When waiting for the Future') do
  Concurrent::Future.execute { }.wait

report('When waiting for the Future and actively dereferencing it') do
  x = Concurrent::Future.execute { }.wait
  x = nil

yields the output:

Fetching gem metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Using bundler 2.3.19
Using memory_profiler 1.0.0
Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.10
[{:data=>"Thread", :count=>1048992},
 {:data=>"Array", :count=>240},
 {:data=>"Concurrent::CachedThreadPool", :count=>216},
 {:data=>"Thread::Mutex", :count=>216},
 {:data=>"Thread::ConditionVariable", :count=>192},
 {:data=>"Concurrent::Event", :count=>144},
 {:data=>"Proc", :count=>80},
 {:data=>"String", :count=>80},
 {:data=>"Thread::Queue", :count=>76},
 {:data=>"Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor::Worker", :count=>40},
 {:data=>"Thing", :count=>40}]
When waiting for the Future
[{:data=>"Array", :count=>80}, {:data=>"Thing", :count=>40}]
When waiting for the Future and actively dereferencing it
[{:data=>"Array", :count=>80}, {:data=>"Thing", :count=>40}]
leoarnold commented 2 years ago

Maybe this "leaking" of the Array objects is intentional, i.e. keeping a pool of sub-threads in a thread-local variable which is then garbage collected when the parent thread is garbage collected :thinking: