ruby-debug / ruby-debug-ide

An interface which glues ruby-debug to IDEs like Eclipse (RDT), NetBeans and RubyMine.
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Launching rspec process via spring does not attach debugging as expected #152

Open CJBridges opened 6 years ago

CJBridges commented 6 years ago

spring, at an overly simplistic level, allows for early preloading of code, with the largest leverage tending to be gems. It functions by starting a process (spring server), then each time you want to run a command, it forks and the child process runs your main action (e.g. rspec).

rdebug-ide -- bin/rspec spec/file_spec.rb debugs the spring process, but does not debug the actual thing we want (the rspec child process launched underneath).

Steps to reproduce:

Case 1 (not working):

# bin/rspec
  load File.expand_path('../spring', __FILE__)
rescue LoadError => e
  raise unless e.message.include?('spring')

require 'bundler/setup'

load Gem.bin_path('rspec-core', 'rspec')

rdebug-ide --host --port 2345 -- bin/rspec spec/file_spec.rb

nc 2345 then...

break spec/file_spec.rb:5

Expected: Break at line 5 Current: does not break at all

Case 2 (works, but slow):

DISABLE_SPRING=1 rdebug-ide --host --port 2345 -- bin/rspec spec/file_spec.rb (other steps same as above)

This breaks at line 5 as expected, but as spring is not used, we incur the whole cost of launching the app. This is > 10 seconds longer on an app I'm using it on.

In GDB, this is supported as set follow-fork-mode child -

Please let me know of any suggested fixes or workarounds, and I might be able to tackle it.

Other info: Note that my intended use case at the end of the day is to start an rspec process under debugger from vscode, with the launch speed benefits of spring, so vscode specific workarounds are fine too. I'm also familiar with other methods of debugging (e.g. binding.pry and byebug), but really trying to get first class IDE debugging support working.

CJBridges commented 6 years ago

Note that this behavior (not using spring while debugging) is also matched by RubyMine here (see "Special Notes" section).

ViugiNick commented 5 years ago

@CJBridges all forks are debuggable, as you can see here

ViugiNick commented 5 years ago

@CJBridges What ruby/gems versions do you use?

CJBridges commented 5 years ago

@ViugiNick - I've been using:

Ruby 2.3.5
ruby-debug-ide (0.6.1)
spring (2.0.2)
spring-commands-rspec (1.0.4)

On a personal note, I've mostly moved away from using VSCode on a day to day, so I'm not going to be spending much additional time to help out with further debugging unfortunately beyond my repro above.

bartocc commented 5 years ago

@ViugiNick I've hit this issue after trying to debug my tests in my rails app.

I confirm that running with DISABLE_SPRING=1 hits breakpoints but running with spring does not hit breakpoints.

I can setup a demo repo is needed

ViugiNick commented 5 years ago

@bartocc What command do you run to debug tests?

bartocc commented 5 years ago

Running my tests with DISABLE_SPRING=1 rdebug-ide -x -- bin/rails test hits the breakpoints

Running my tests with rdebug-ide -x -- bin/rails test does not hit the breakpoints

qortex commented 5 years ago

I hit a related issue that I can't seem to solve. Described here:

I understand it might be related: the debugger might attach to the Puma process instead of the thread where the actual controller code is run. Does it make sense? Is there a way to force proper behaviour?

I don't know if it's an issue in the VSCode extension or ruby-debug-ide.

lopesrb commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. @CJBridges @bartocc were you able to overcome this?

ndbroadbent commented 1 year ago

Sorry to comment on an old issue, but I really want to find a solution for this. I'm using an awesome VS Code extension called Test Explorer, with the Ruby test adapter. This makes VS Code feel like a proper IDE since it shows all my RSpec tests inside VS Code, and it has buttons and keyboard shortcuts I can use to start running or debugging tests.

Screen Shot 2022-11-24 at 12 33 52 PM

So it would be awesome if I could get Spring working! This makes my tests so much faster, and I have to keep using the terminal until I can figure this out.

I don't have the time to keep digging into this, so I would be interested in sponsoring this issue using a third-party bounty service, maybe