ruby-debug / ruby-debug-ide

An interface which glues ruby-debug to IDEs like Eclipse (RDT), NetBeans and RubyMine.
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irb is requirement but not listed in Gemfile #168

Open timkrins opened 5 years ago

timkrins commented 5 years ago

ruby-debug-ide/lib/ruby-debug-ide/commands/expression_info.rb includes from irb, however, I cannot see this gem listed as a dependency.

Caused an error for me - LoadError: cannot load such file -- irb/ruby-lex.

Adding irb to my Gemfile solved issue.

ViugiNick commented 5 years ago

@timkrins What ruby version do you use?

timkrins commented 5 years ago

From memory, this was inside an Alpine docker image.

I think my requirement might also be fixed by installing the specific Alpine ruby-irb package.

It seems in Ruby 2.6, irb is no longer included by default?

ViugiNick commented 5 years ago

@timkrins AFAIK it is still included, mb you have some specific ruby configuration inside Alpine docker image

zb3 commented 5 years ago

Not included in Arch Linux either

tbsvttr commented 1 year ago

This costed me some hours to debug! After I updated the debug gem to 1.7.0 that updated the irb gem to a version over 1.5.0 (in my case: 1.6.0), but ruby-debug-ide in version 3.0.0.beta.5 crashes when used when version of irb is above 1.4.2. Please make this clear in your Gemfile and Gemspec to avoid other users from having the same problem!