ruby-debug / ruby-debug-ide

An interface which glues ruby-debug to IDEs like Eclipse (RDT), NetBeans and RubyMine.
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Run before attaching - ideal scenario #205

Open andyjeffries opened 3 years ago

andyjeffries commented 3 years ago

So I'd love to be able to launch all my processes that constitute my app's stack (I do this using and then when I find a need a debugging situation, I can just attach using VS Code, set breakpoints and I'm off an running.

Where I'm stuck is that unless I'm misconfiguring something, VS Code has a simple attach configuration you can use, but if I start my web process locally using the following command, the debug process hangs and doesn't start the Rails process until an IDE is attached. I'd like it to run normally UNTIL it's attached.

bundle exec rdebug-ide --host --port 1234 --dispatcher-port 26162 -- bundle exec rails s -p 5000

Is this possible with current options? Is it possible with some tweak to ruby-debug-ide? If so and I can get some guidance on where to be looking and what to do, I'll have a whack at doing it.

In talking with colleagues and international friends, it's this that stops a lot of Rails devs using ruby-debug-ide.

dwarburt commented 2 years ago

Does --skip_wait_for_start implement the behavior you're looking for?