ruby-gettext / gettext

Gettext gem is a pure Ruby Localization(L10n) library and tool which is modeled after the GNU gettext package.
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gettext does not parse TStrings after bitwise or "|" #73

Closed dorle-o closed 4 years ago

dorle-o commented 4 years ago

Since commit 41ee55b8c50d95175cfb3cb8cb530f09e61ccf7c all occurences of TStrings are ignored after a bitwise or "|". I think it is caused by the exclusion of block parameters with the process_on_op method and the early return in process_on_ident. Both, block parameter limiters and the bitwise or operator, are recoognized as :on_op by the Ripper Lexer.

Here is a dummy example to demonstrate the problem:


[1, 2].map do |e|
  puts _('tstring1')
  result = e | 2
  puts _('tstring2')
> [#<GetText::POEntry:0x000055ba94c53218 
          @param_type=[:msgid, :separator, :msgstr], 

Even though I would expect an output like this:

> [#<GetText::POEntry:0x000055ba94c53218 
          @param_type=[:msgid, :separator, :msgstr], 
          @param_type=[:msgid, :separator, :msgstr],
kou commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your report. I've fixed it.