ruby-grape / grape-entity

An API focused facade that sits on top of an object model.
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Why do I have to call .as_json twice to get a proper representation #313

Open bobbytables opened 5 years ago

bobbytables commented 5 years ago

Hi! I'm trying to use my entity to ensure the returned data in the API matches what my Entity should be exposing in a RSpec request spec in my rails application.

I'm doing this:

it 'returns the change events for the incident as json' do
  authed_get "/v1/incidents/#{}/related_change_events"

  expect(parsed['data']).to match_array(PublicAPI::V1::Incidents::RelatedChangeEventEntity.represent(related_change_events).as_json.as_json)

This makes my test pass, but why do I have to call #as_json twice? This feels weird to me and I don't see a method on the Grape::Entity class that gives me what I want. More of a question than a bug but I see room for improvement here.


synth commented 3 years ago

We're hitting this too, in a way. Calling .as_json doesn't seem to return a hash for nested entities. Oddly, calling .to_json will return a string that has been properly recursed and converted to json.

In other words, calling .as_json converts the top level entity to a hash, but nested entities remain as type: Grape::Entity::Exposure::NestingExposure::OutputBuilder. This means you can't do things like deep_stringify_keys or otherwise work with this structure.

I'm not sure, but I would guess you need to call .as_json for every level of nesting, its not just that its magically needing to call it twice.

Tested this with latest 0.9.0 version