ruby-grape / grape

An opinionated framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby.
MIT License
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Unify Ecosystem #1018

Closed brodock closed 8 years ago

brodock commented 9 years ago

I would like to suggest that you unify all grape related projects into a single "organization", to make the ecosystem around it stronger.

As an example of what should be considered (I've listed the most active and still maintained projects):


kuraga commented 9 years ago

And consider grape demodulation (separation by several gems).

P.S. @brodock insert links to project pages, please?

brodock commented 9 years ago

@kuraga sure! I will edit the post

kuraga commented 9 years ago

Thanks very much about this topic!

dblock commented 9 years ago

Generally I don't find discoverability being a problem, but I understand how the ecosystem could be stronger.

I feel torn about the unification of such things, I really like the distributed nature of open-source and I also really like that owners of gems stand behind those gems as opposed to having some centralized Soviet style "organization". I wish there was a virtual "organization" that could collect projects like this other than through a github wiki or page.

Would love to hear everyone's thoughts and suggestions!

brodock commented 9 years ago

I was more concerned of some gems being maintained as fork of a fork of a fork...

My initial suggestion is to delegate the ownership of the repositories for their respective maintainer, while having a "single point of discovery" here, and perhaps this could potentially help related gems talk to each other and collaborate in a better way.

Things like enabling for the organization and for every project can also help with that

sunnyrjuneja commented 9 years ago

Hey @brodock, thanks so much for suggesting this. It's something I thought about frequently myself. The burden of maintenance is a tough question and OSS requires a group effort. I don't think discoverability is a core issue because the wiki includes a list of projects. A better suggestion to improve discoverability could be to include the link to related projects into the README. This would let people realize that grape has a thriving ecosystem and that are tools they can leverage.

However, I'm very frustrated with the state of grape-swagger-rails. If you google grape swagger rails, the first result is a fork of an earlier project:

On first glance, the project looks maintained but if you look at the issues (, you'll see that this an old project and that there is yet another fork! It would be great if there could be a single repo instead of three with this project. An org would solve this issue since there would be many owners.

I like your current suggestion of unifying grape tools in one particular org BUT I think your list is too long. I would prefer an org with core projects (grape, grape-swagger, grape-entity, etc) and another repo for "great to use with." For example, I'm not sure if grape-doorkeeper (I prefer wine_bouncer) should be in the umbrella org.

brodock commented 9 years ago

@whatasunnyday sure! I listed all the gems I could find that are somehow maintained and may look useful for the majority of users.

I understand that selecting the "most useful ones" (you can call it core), is a good start point... and be open to include others as soon as they become more mature and wild used.

What do you think?

sunnyrjuneja commented 9 years ago

I think that's a good call.

hobofan commented 9 years ago

+1 to what @whatasunnyday said.

I generally like the idea of an umbrella org, because it usually comes with some quality guarantees (which of course mean more burden on maintainers).

I think especially semi-popular gems could benefit from it (or some other form of enhanced communication), since quite a few of them ignore facilities provided by grape (e.g. ignoring Helper modules and implementing a half-baked solution themselves).

towanda commented 9 years ago

+1 to what @whatasunnyday said.

I like the idea of having a "single point of discovery", with the core gems, and not to worry about using the wrong fork.

dmitry commented 9 years ago

Really nice idea. I believe it would be good to include the most popular/used related projects to the org. It would also be good, if everyone who is interested in the "grape plugins" can collaborate more tightly to improve functionality of the projects.

hedgesky commented 9 years ago

I agree with @hobofan. I think list of extensions in Readme would be very convenient for newcomers.

dblock commented 9 years ago

I take PRs for the README that link externally. For example we have links to grape-entity and others that are commonly used and frequently needed.

dblock commented 8 years ago

Well, it's happening! We're moving to shortly.

brodock commented 8 years ago

thank you very much :)

dmitry commented 8 years ago

Great news!

dblock commented 8 years ago

Happy to close this now! Please open specific work-items around community organization in Also hitting Send on an announcement to the Google group.

dblock commented 8 years ago

Can someone please port the list of projects from here to See

dblock commented 8 years ago

^^ done