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Image Uploader using HTML5 FileReader in Hyperloop #43

Closed adesakin closed 7 years ago

adesakin commented 7 years ago

This method uses a combination of Hyperloop native and JS codes to implement an image uploader with preview. The steps involved are

Define Image File HTML

The input html form element is used with type: file to load the image file. Its display style could be set to none not to show the conventional file input UI. When this is included has a child within a label element, the label can be clicked to launch the file selection box. To upload only a single image file, multiple option should be set to false.

To set an action to perform when an image file is selected, the on(:change) method is changed to the file input element. This calls the onChange function that processes the image file.

The image preview requires a img element to update later when the image file is full loaded. A prepositioned image element can be placed with the initial html or it could be generated on the fly and inserted after uploading the image file. A prepositioned image element is used here.

img(class: "picture candidate", id: "resume-picture", src: state.data_uri)

And it's src attribute could be set using different strategies. An option embraced here is setting it to state.data_uri initialized under before_mount and updated by a processig function when the image file is fully uploaded.

  state.data_uri! ""

div(class: "user-picture large-3 small-12 columns") do
  div(id: "my_result")
  img(class: "picture candidate", id: "resume-picture", src: state.data_uri)
  if(val_edit_mode == "true") 
    em() do
      label(class: "btn", htmlFor: :picture, style: {textAlign: "center"}) do
        i(class: "fi-upload")
        if(state.data_uri == "")
          span{" Upload Picture"}
          span{" Change Picture"}
        input(type: "file", id: :picture, multiple: false, style: {display: :none}).on(:change) do |e|
Define the onChange function to handle selected file and perform checks

The onChange function handle_files(e)called from the image input hmtl should carry out pre-checks before finally loading the image file.

def handle_files(e) 
  alert('your browser is not supported') && return if `typeof(FileReader) == 'undefined'`
  file =[0]
  return unless validate_file(file)
  ### continue after validating file meets specifications

The first check is to see if the HTML5 Canvas FileReader function is supported by the user browser. Further checks are carried out (validate_file()) to ensure the file is of acceptable type and size. File type could also be restricted by specifying HTML accept attribute on the input.

VALID_FORMATS = %w(jpg jpeg png)
MAX_SIZE = 1048576

def validate_file(file)
  if !VALID_FORMATS.include?(`#{}`.split('.').last.downcase)
    alert("... gotta use #{VALID_FORMATS} ")
  elsif `#{file.size}` > MAX_SIZE
    alert(" file is too big ")
    return true

Once all validations are done the FileReader object is instantiated with the FileList from input HTML

def handle_files(e) 
  alert('your browser is not supported') && return if `typeof(FileReader) == 'undefined'`
  file =[0]
  return unless validate_file(file)
  image_holder = Element['img#resume-picture']

  reader = `new FileReader()`
  `reader.onload = function(upload) { #{upload_complete(`upload`)} }` 

def upload_complete(upload)
  state.data_uri! ``

The onload function could be used to carry out any post processing functions such as image reduction, storing files or updating other records. If not needed, #{upload_complete(upload)} could just be reduced to a single statement state.data_uri! .