ruby-ldap / ruby-net-ldap

Pure Ruby LDAP library
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EOF errors? #414

Open aarnwri opened 1 year ago

aarnwri commented 1 year ago

I'm updating a Rails app, and finding that I can't update OpenSSL, without getting EOF errors:

SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 peeraddr=<IP_ADDR>:636 state=error: unexpected eof while reading

I need TLSv1_2 to work, maybe that's part of the problem... If I'm using OpenSSL 1.0.2u, it works fine. If I try to update it to 1.1.1t or 3.0.5, I get these eof errors.

net-ldap is version 0.18.0. ruby version is 3.1.4. Usage is as follows:

    ldap =
      :host       => '<ldap_server>',
      :port       => 636,
      :base       => "<base>",
      :encryption => {
        :method      => :simple_tls,
        :tls_options => { ssl_version: :TLSv1_2 }

I saw, it looked like there may be similar issues else where...

Is this maybe an issue with this library? Any thoughts? Thanks!

HarlemSquirrel commented 1 year ago

What version of OpenSSL are you running where you see this issue?

We may need to add something like this