However, since the following warning message is displayed, so I add a check for the validity of the option via the try_link method to avoid future build failures.
linking shared-object numo/linalg/lapack.bundle
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
Please consider this pull request for macOS users. Thank you.
Installation of Numo::Linalg fails with Xcode14 and Ruby 3.1 as follows:
The cause is the same as the bug fixed in Ruby3.1.3.
To fix this bug, add the
-undefined dynamic_lookup
option when building with macOS and Ruby 3.1.
However, since the following warning message is displayed, so I add a check for the validity of the option via the try_link method to avoid future build failures.
Please consider this pull request for macOS users. Thank you.