Closed noraj closed 4 years ago
Yeah, the old web site used to have all that. as an example. :(
Will be worked on here:
Here is the original from the old site:
<nubs> hi rbot
<rbot> 'morning, nubs
<nubs> rbot: help
<rbot> help topics: 9 core modules: auth, basics, config, filters, httputil, irclog, remote, unicode, userdata;
44 plugins: alias, autorejoin, bash, botsnack, chucknorris, deepthoughts, delicious, dict, digg, eightball,
excuse, factoids, forecast, freshmeat, grouphug, imdb, insult, karma, lart, math, modes, nickserv, quote, reaction,
remind, roulette, rss, salut, script, search, seen, slashdot, spell, theyfightcrime, topic, translator, uno,
urban, url,
<rbot> usermodes, weather, youtube; 34 plugins ignored: use help ignored plugins to see why
<nubs> !help ignored plugins
<rbot> in /home/anubis/projects/rbot/data/rbot/plugins/games: azgame, quiz, roshambo, shiritori, wheelfortune (blacklisted);
in /home/anubis/projects/rbot/data/rbot/plugins: httpd (disabled); autoop, bans, cal, chanserv, debugger, dice,
dictclient, figlet, fish, fortune, hl2, host, iplookup, keywords, lastfm, linkbot, markov, nslookup, quakeauth,
remotectl, ri, rot13, threat, time, tube, twitter, wow, wserver (blacklisted)
<nubs> ruby?
<rbot> I know nothing about ruby
<nubs> !learn that ruby is better than perl
<rbot> okay, learned fact #705: ruby is better than perl
<nubs> ruby?
<rbot> [705/705] ruby is better than perl
<nubs> uno?
<rbot> [100/705] nubs is the best uno player
<nubs> !config search learn
<rbot> possible keys: factoids.listen_and_learn, factoids.silent_listen_and_learn, factoids.learn_pattern
<rbot> factoids.listen_and_learn: Should the bot learn factoids from what is being said in chat? if true, phrases matching
patterns in factoids.learn_pattern will tell the bot when a phrase can be learned
<rbot> factoids.silent_listen_and_learn: Should the bot be silent about the factoids he learns from the chat? If true, the
bot will not declare what he learned every time he learns something from
factoids.listen_and_learn being true
<rbot> factoids.learn_pattern: A list of regular expressions matching factoids that the bot can learn. append ':n' if the
factoid is defined by the n-th group instead of the whole match.
<nubs> !seen dyrone
<rbot> Dyrone was last seen 3 months, 5 days, 15 hours, 35 minutes and 27 seconds ago, quitting IRC (Quit:)
<nubs> !react to "Do you expect me to talk" with No Mr %{who}, I expect you to die!
<rbot> Ok, I'll start reacting to "Do you expect me to talk"
<rbot> I'll react to "Do you expect me to talk" with No Mr %{who}, I expect you to die! (100%)
<nubs> Do you expect me to talk?
<rbot> No Mr nubs, I expect you to die!
<nubs> !remind me Wowzers in 5 seconds
<rbot> alright
[rbot] reminder (07:31:00): Wowzers
<nubs> !help karma
<rbot> karma module: Listens to everyone's chat. <thing>++/<thing>-- => increase/decrease karma for <thing>,
karma for <thing>? => show karma for <thing>, karmastats => show stats. Karma is a community rating
system - only in-channel messages can affect karma and you cannot adjust your own.
<nubs> rbot++
<rbot> ta :)
<nubs> karma for rbot?
<nubs> !karma for rbot
<rbot> karma for rbot: 6
<nubs> !karmastats
<rbot> 10 items. Best: rbot (6); Worst: emacs (-1)
<nubs> !help translator
<rbot> Command: <translator> <from> <to> <phrase>, where <translator> is one of: worldlingo, excite, nifty, google_translate.
If "translator" is used in place of the translator name, the first translator in translator.default_list which
supports the specified direction will be picked automatically. Use "help <translator>" to look up supported from
and to languages
<nubs> !translator de en Hey Brain, was wollen wir heute abend machen?
<rbot> Hey Brain, which we want to make this evening? (provided by worldlingo)
<nubs> !help chucknorris
<rbot> chuck|norris|chucknorris [min_rating] => show a random Chuck Norris fact (optional minimum rating from 1-10, default=6.0).
<nubs> !chucknorris 7
<rbot> Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone. [score=7.299]
<nubs> !help rss
<rbot> manage RSS feeds: rss types|show|list|watched|add|change|del(ete)|rm|(force)replace|watch|unwatch|rmwatch|rewatch|who watches
<nubs> !rss list
<rbot> xkcd: (in format: default)
<nubs> !help rss show
<rbot> rss show handle [limit] : show limit (default: 5, max: 15) entries from rss handle; limit can also be in the form a..b,
to display a specific range of items
<nubs> !rss show xkcd
<rbot> lemme fetch it...
<rbot> using old data
<rbot> Channel :
<rbot> 2008/06/18 04:00 :: Internet Argument @
<rbot> 2008/06/16 04:00 :: SUV @
<rbot> 2008/06/13 04:00 :: How it Happened @
<rbot> 2008/06/11 04:00 :: Purity @
<nubs> goodbye rbot
<rbot> see ya, nubs :D
Can you give some example of usage on the wiki? (joining an IRC chat, sending PM, etc ...).