ruby-rdf / linkeddata

A metadistribution of RDF.rb including all parsing/serialization plugins.
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question: propagation of serializer parameters #11

Closed bertvannuffelen closed 6 years ago

bertvannuffelen commented 6 years ago


I use the linkeddata command line tool to transform RDF files.

rdf serialize --input-format ntriples --output-format turtle subject.nt

However I do not know how to get to the specific CLI options of a specific writer. For instance: see such as --stream.

Are these propagated in some way?


gkellogg commented 6 years ago

Use --help when the writer is specified with --output-format, for example: rdf serialize --input-format ntriples --output-format jsonld subject.nt --help shows additional options (and commands) available when the output format is for JSON-LD:

Usage: rdf command+ [options] [args...]
    -d, --debug                      Enable debug output for troubleshooting.
    -v, --verbose                    Enable verbose output. May be given more than once.
    -e, --evaluate STRING            Evaluate argument as RDF input, if no files are specified
    -o, --output FILE                File to write output, defaults to STDOUT
        --input-format, --format FORMAT
                                     Format of input file, uses heuristic if not specified
        --output-format FORMAT       Format of output file, defaults to NTriples
        --intern                     Intern all parsed URIs.
        --uri URI                    Base URI of input file, defaults to the filename.
        --validate                   Validate input file.
        --[no-]verifySSL             Verify SSL results on HTTP GET
        --canonicalize               Canonicalize input/output.
        --encoding ENCODING          The encoding of the input stream.
        --prefixes PREFIX,PREFIX     A comma-separated list of prefix:uri pairs.
        --unique-bnodes              Use unique Node identifiers.
        --compact-arrays             Replaces arrays with just one element with that element during compaction.
        --compact-to-relative        Creates document relative IRIs when compacting, if `true`, otherwise leaves expanded. Default is `true` use --no-compact-to-relative to disable.
        --context CONTEXT            Context to use when compacting.
        --embed EMBED                How to embed matched objects (@last).
        --explicit                   Only include explicitly declared properties in output (false)
        --omitDefault                Omit missing properties from output (false)
        --processingMode MODE        Set Processing Mode (json-ld-1.0 or json-ld-1.1)
        --requireAll                 Require all properties to match (true)
        --stream                     Do not attempt to optimize graph presentation, suitable for streaming large graphs.
        --use-rdf-type               Treat `rdf:type` like a normal property instead of using `@type`.
    -V, --version                    Display the RDF.rb version and exit.
    -h, --help                       Show this message
Note: available commands and options may be different depending on selected --input-format and/or --output-format.
Available commands:
       compact: Compact JSON-LD or parsed RDF
         count: Count statements in parsed input
        entail: Add entailed triples to repository
        expand: Expand JSON-LD or parsed RDF
       flatten: Flatten JSON-LD or parsed RDF
         frame: Frame JSON-LD or parsed RDF
     gen-vocab: Generate a vocabulary using a special serialization.
          help: This message
       lengths: Lengths of each parsed statement
          lint: Lint the repository
       objects: Serialize each parsed object to N-Triples
         patch: Patch the current graph using a patch file
    predicates: Serialize each parsed predicate to N-Triples
     serialize: Serialize using output-format (or N-Triples)
          shex: Validate repository given shape
      subjects: Serialize each parsed subject to N-Triples
      validate: Validate parsed input
Available formats:
        jsonld: JSON-LD
     microdata: Microdata
            n3: N3
     normalize: Normalize
        nquads: N-Quads
      ntriples: N-Triples
          rdfa: RDFa
        rdfxml: RDF/XML
            rj: JSON
       tabular: Tabular
          trig: TriG
          trix: TriX
        turtle: Turtle
    vocabulary: Vocabulary