ruby-rdf / rdf-rdfxml

Ruby RDF/XML reader/writer for RDF.rb.
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[Writer] prefixes (namespaces) are not used to output subjects #15

Closed abrisse closed 12 years ago

abrisse commented 12 years ago


Namespaces set for the writer should be used not only to match predicates (with function get_qname) but subjects too. I haven't checked for objects but the behaviour should be the same.

Example :'freebase.owl', :prefixes => {:fb,'')}) do |writer|
    writer << repository

The statement

<> a owl:Class

should be output

<ns0:Class rdf:about="fb:Concept" />

instead of

<ns0:Class rdf:about="" />
gkellogg commented 12 years ago

RDF/XML uses full URIs for rdf:about. NCNames are only used for property elements. Just one reason why RDF/XML sucks.

See for the grammar rule.

abrisse commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the explanation Gregg.