ruby-rdf / rdf-rdfxml

Ruby RDF/XML reader/writer for RDF.rb.
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xmlns:ns0="RDF::Vocabulary" #3

Closed njh closed 13 years ago

njh commented 13 years ago

I am seeing a number of xmlns:ns0="RDF::Vocabulary" declarations in the RDF::XML I am generating, example:

I am using rdf-rdfxml version 0.2.3.

gkellogg commented 13 years ago

Not seing the problem in 0.3.0. However, I'm going to write a number of round-trip specs to ensure that the generated RDF/XML parses back to the original triples.

Note, in 0.3.0, you can specify prefixes to bind when invoking the writer, or you can have it use all built-in vocabularies with the :standard_prefixes option. Also, you can take the prefixes found when reading and re-bind them to the writer to transform between different serialization formats but retain the same namespace bindings.

njh commented 13 years ago

Having different problems with rdf 0.3.0 and rdf-rdfxml 0.2.3:

can't modify frozen object
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rdf-rdfxml-0.2.3/lib/rdf/rdfxml/patches/qname_hacks.rb:16:in `vocab='
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rdf-rdfxml-0.2.3/lib/rdf/rdfxml/patches/qname_hacks.rb:35:in `[]'
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rdf-0.3.0/lib/rdf/vocab.rb:195:in `method_missing'
gkellogg commented 13 years ago

Known problem resolved in 0.3.0. You can try running from the GitHub source until I release the 0.3.0 gem to RubyGems, which should be later today.

njh commented 13 years ago

Working fine with the new 0.3.0 set of gems. Thanks!

Do you have an example of using the :standard_prefixes option to restore the old behaviour?

This is the syntax that I was using before, but unfortunately it does not take an options parameter.

$ irb -rrdf/rdfxml
>> graph = {|g| g << [RDF::URI(''),, "Joe Bloggs"]}
=> #<RDF::Graph:0x81013638(<>)>
>> graph.dump(:rdfxml)
=> "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"\" xmlns:ns0=\"\">\n  <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"\">\n    <ns0:name>Joe Bloggs</ns0:name>\n  </rdf:Description>\n</rdf:RDF>\n"
gkellogg commented 13 years ago

I haven't used Graph#dump, and this gem is slightly more difficult to work with than RdfContext with respect to simply output like this. Graph#dump could probably be re-factored. File a bug against RDF on Enumerable#dump and Writer.dump that they should allow options to be passed to the writer, then you could do something like the following:

graph.dump(:rdfxml, :standard_prefixes => true)

In the mean time, a function such as the following should work:

class RDF::Graph
  def to_rdfxml(options = {})
    RDF::Writer.for(:rdfxml).buffer(options) do |writer|
      writer << self

graph = {|g| g << [RDF::URI(''),, "Joe Bloggs"]}
graph.to_rdfxml(:standard_prefixes => true)
njh commented 13 years ago

Thank you very much for your help. I have created this issue:

The thing that was confusing me was that in rdf.rb version 0.3.0, the options argument is being ignored in RDF::Writer.dump().