ruby-shoryuken / shoryuken

A super efficient Amazon SQS thread based message processor for Ruby. This project is in MAINTENANCE MODE. Reach me out on Slack link on the description if you want to become a new maintainer.
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How to arrive at the latency for a given Shoryken::Queue? #722

Closed fluke closed 2 years ago

fluke commented 2 years ago

Sidekiq implements a method Sidekiq::Queue.latency that calculates the queue's latency, the difference in seconds since the oldest job in the queue was enqueued. What's a good way to implement something similar for Shoryuken. Would also need to get the queue depth but I think that's possible to figure out from queue attributes ApproximateNumberOfMessages.

matt-taylor commented 2 years ago

Hi @fluke AWS Cloudwatch has a metric called ApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage that will get you the age of the oldest message.

Does that work for you or are you asking for Shoryuken to expose these metric explicitly?

fluke commented 2 years ago

That works. I am looking to get a list of all queues currently defined and get the latency and number of messages in order to set up autoscaling for my workers. What's the way to get all the queues that are set up?

Shoryuken::Queue could possibly expose the queue_attributes that would be helpful, right now it's a private method.

matt-taylor commented 2 years ago

What's the way to get all the queues that are set up?

Shoryuken provides a CLI to gather all Queues.

You can check out all CLI commands by executing.

bundle exec shoryuken sqs ls
root@8af778501e5e:/gem# bundle exec shoryuken help sqs
  shoryuken sqs create QUEUE-NAME                       # Create a queue
  shoryuken sqs delete QUEUE-NAME                       # delete a queue
  shoryuken sqs dump QUEUE-NAME                         # Dumps messages from...
  shoryuken sqs help [COMMAND]                          # Describe subcommand...
  shoryuken sqs ls [QUEUE-NAME-PREFIX]                  # Lists queues
  shoryuken sqs mv QUEUE-NAME-SOURCE QUEUE-NAME-TARGET  # Moves messages from...
  shoryuken sqs purge QUEUE-NAME                        # Deletes the message...
  shoryuken sqs requeue QUEUE-NAME PATH                 # Requeues messages f...

  -e, [--endpoint=ENDPOINT]  # Endpoint URL
                             # Default: http://localstack:4566
fluke commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot. This has been helpful.