ruby-syntax-tree / syntax_tree

Interact with the Ruby syntax tree
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Incorrect nodes end location for some nodes #381

Open Morriar opened 1 year ago

Morriar commented 1 year ago

Looking at this simple snippet:

class Foo

It seems the end column location is incorrect for a few nodes:

SyntaxTree::Program: 1:0-2:0 # should it be 1:0-2:3?
SyntaxTree::Statements: 1:0-2:0 # should it be 1:0-2:3?
SyntaxTree::ClassDeclaration: 1:0-2:3
SyntaxTree::ConstRef: 1:6-1:9
SyntaxTree::Const: 1:6-1:9
SyntaxTree::BodyStmt: 1:9-1:0 # should it be 1:9-2:0?
SyntaxTree::Statements: 1:9-1:0 # should it be 1:9-2:0?
SyntaxTree::VoidStmt: 1:9-1:0 # should it be 1:9-1:9?
etiennebarrie commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing similar weird behavior regarding locations around rescue/else.

Here's a snippet that shows location ranges on a line, with some examples (all the whitespace is added so that char_pos is a multiple of 10 when on_stmts_new and on_stmts_add is called by Ripper):

require "bundler/setup"
require "syntax_tree"

def loc(node, comment = nil)
  location = node.location
  puts " " * (location.start_char - 0).clamp(0..) +
    "^" +
    "-" * (location.end_char - location.start_char - 2).clamp(0..) +
    "^" * (location.end_char - location.start_char - 1).clamp(0..1) +
    " " * (70 - location.end_char - (location.end_char > location.start_char ? 0 : 1)).clamp(0..) +
    "#{node.class} #{comment}"

def locations(code)
    .tap { puts _1 }
    .then { SyntaxTree.parse _1 }
    .then { _1.statements.body.first }
    .tap { loc _1 }
    .then { _1.bodystmt }
    .tap { loc _1 }
    .tap { loc _1.rescue_clause }
    .tap { loc _1.rescue_clause.statements, "rescue statements" }
    .tap { loc _1.else_clause, "else clause" if _1.else_clause }
    .tap { loc _1.ensure_clause }

locations("begin    ; rescue;                          ensure         ; end     ;")
locations("begin    ; rescue       ; else         ;      ensure       ; end     ;")

This outputs:

begin    ; rescue;                          ensure         ; end     ;
^--------------------------------------------------------------^      SyntaxTree::Begin 
     ^---------------------------------------------------------^      SyntaxTree::BodyStmt 
           ^-------------------------------^                          SyntaxTree::Rescue 
                 ^-------------------------^                          SyntaxTree::Statements rescue statements
                                            ^------------------^      SyntaxTree::Ensure 

which looks pretty much correct and

begin    ; rescue       ; else         ;      ensure       ; end     ;
^--------------------------------------------------------------^      SyntaxTree::Begin 
     ^---------------------------------------------------------^      SyntaxTree::BodyStmt 
           ^---------------------------^                              SyntaxTree::Rescue 
                 ^---------------------^                              SyntaxTree::Statements rescue statements
                                        ^                             SyntaxTree::Statements else clause
                                              ^----------------^      SyntaxTree::Ensure 

which shows that something's wrong about the rescue statements and the else clause.