ruby / debug

Debugging functionality for Ruby
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Remove and Restore irb configuration like irbrc while irb console tests #1067

Closed hsbt closed 4 months ago

hsbt commented 5 months ago


irb_test.rb will refer IRB configuration like .irbrc or something from User's environment. I always got test failure about them. This is my .irbrc.

  :SAVE_HISTORY => 10000,
  :HISTORY_FILE => File.join(ENV["XDG_DATA_HOME"], "irb", "history"),
  :LOAD_MODULES => ['irb/completion', 'active_support/all'],
  :USE_MULTILINE => true,

See the following result from make test-bundled-gems.

Failure: test_irb_command_switches_console_to_irb(DEBUGGER__::IrbTest):

  | Debugger Session |

  > [1, 2] in /var/folders/_z/1_hsk6zx07v57yg5wlsjxvc80000gn/T/debug-20240122-96632-yvf6i8.rb
  > =>   1| a = 1
  >      2| b = 2
  > =>#0        <main> at /var/folders/_z/1_hsk6zx07v57yg5wlsjxvc80000gn/T/debug-20240122-96632-yvf6i8.rb:1
  > (rdbg) irb
  > /Users/hsbt/Documents/ warning: LoadError: cannot load such file -- active_support/all
  > 123
  > >> >> 1>> 12>> 123123

  | Failure Message |

  Expected to include `"irb:rdbg\\(main\\):002>\\ 123"` in
  >> >> 1>> 12>> 123123
   on LOCAL mode
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `assert_block'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `block in assert_line_text'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `block (3 levels) in run_test_scenario'
<internal:kernel>:187:in `loop'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `block (2 levels) in run_test_scenario'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `block in timeout'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `handle_timeout'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `timeout'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `block in run_test_scenario'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `spawn'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `run_test_scenario'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `debug_code_on_local'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `block (2 levels) in debug_code'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `prepare_test_environment'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `block in debug_code'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `block in timeout'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `handle_timeout'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `timeout'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `debug_code'
/Users/hsbt/Documents/ `test_irb_command_switches_console_to_irb'
     29:     end
     31:     def test_irb_command_switches_console_to_irb
  => 32:       debug_code(program, remote: false) do
     33:         type 'irb'
     34:         type '123'
     35:         assert_line_text 'irb:rdbg(main):002> 123'

I stub-out their configuration with setup block of test-unit. After that, these are resolved.

hsbt commented 5 months ago

/cc @st0012

st0012 commented 5 months ago

BTW, unless you need to work with old IRB (before v1.2.1, which came with Ruby 2.7), I think USE_MULTILINE is not necessary as it's the default, as well as loading irb/completion.

hsbt commented 5 months ago

I think USE_MULTILINE is not necessary as it's the default

I didn't know that. Thanks!

ko1 commented 4 months ago


hsbt commented 4 months ago

Thank you 👍