ruby / gem_rbs_collection

A collection of RBS for gems.
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Fix RBS syntax errors #492

Closed soutaro closed 6 months ago

soutaro commented 6 months ago

RBS 3.4 uncovers the syntax errors.

> ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.1/gems/rbs-3.4.1/lib/rbs/parser_aux.rb:17:in `_parse_signature': .../gem_rbs_collection/gems/mime-types/3.5/mime/types/registry.rbs:12:36...12:37: Syntax error: unexpected token for function parameter name, token=`]` (pRBRACKET) (RBS::ParsingError)
>       def self.each: () ?{ (MIME::Type]) -> void } -> Array[MIME::Type]
>                                       ^