ruby / gem_rbs_collection

A collection of RBS for gems.
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Maintainer for Rails gems wanted #558

Open pocke opened 1 month ago

pocke commented 1 month ago

As I mentioned in my talk at RubyKaigi 2024, we need "Gem Reviewers" for Rails gems, such as activesupport, activerecord, and so on.

This issue describes what is expected of the maintainers in detail.

We are looking for two roles: core maintainer and ordinary gem reviewer.

Core maintainers

Core maintainers work on the ecosystem of RBS and Rails.

We expect them to design, develop, and maintain the ecosystem. For example:

In other words, they will do everything related to RBS and Rails.

I expect one or two developers will become this role.


Ordinary gem reviewers

Ordinary gem reviewers review pull requests for Rails gems in this repository. They cooperate with the core maintainers. Woking other repositories is optional.

They should become a gem reviewer for one or more Rails-related gems.

We do not limit the number of developers.

How to become core maintainers/gem reviewers

First, comment on this issue and describe which role you are interested in.

We'll discuss how to work as a maintainer or gem reviewer on this issue. After that, I'll promote them.

@pocke's work in the future

I've spent much time on the RBS and Rails ecosystem. I'll continue to work on this area, but I plan to hand over the maintainer role to a successor(s). I'll support the successor, especially at the beginning of their work. I'll continue to work on the RBS, of course.

ksss commented 1 month ago

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ I am running for the position of core maintainer. I believe I meet all the requirements. I am concerned that there are no maintainers for all the Rails gems. I intend to maintain all the Rails gems.

hibariya commented 1 month ago

Hi πŸ‘‹ Thanks for opening the issue pocke! It's my pleasure to be able to help with the gems I use daily. I'm interested in both roles, but I'd like to start by being an ordinary gem reviewer assuming there are enough candidates for the core maintainers.

ericgpks commented 4 weeks ago

Hello. I'm interested in to be a gem reviewer. However I worry about that I don't have enough knowledge about RBS. I would like to learn about it more. Thank you.

pocke commented 4 weeks ago

@ksss @hibariya @ericgpks Thanks for your comments!

I'd like to entrust you with the maintainer. I also want to keep this issue open for a while because we welcome more maintainers, especially ordinary gem reviewers.

I'm planning the concrete process to delegate maintainer works. Probably we need to do the following things:

I'm also thinking about meetings with all the maintainers. I think regular meetings are not necessary. We can discuss on GitHub issue and so on.

But a kick-off meeting can probably be meaningful. Currently I have no topics to talk about in the meeting, but feel free to ask us if you want a meeting.

However I worry about that I don't have enough knowledge about RBS. I would like to learn about it more.

Hmm, I can help you, but I have no concrete idea how to help you. Probably I can provide documents, hands-on, or something. Do you have any preference?

Little-Rubyist commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, all πŸ‘‹ I would like to help with overall maintenance. I am interested in the ActiveRecord area and would like to pay particular attention to that area. Also, although this is a bit off topic from this issue, I would like to help with rbs_rails, which is being developed by @pocke .

ydah commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, I think many Rails applications would benefit greatly from a type if the Rails gem was given a type. So I want to help with this project. I'm running for ordinary gem reviewer. (Active Support/ Action View/ Action Mailer)

hibariya commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm, I can help you, but I have no concrete idea how to help you. Probably I can provide documents, hands-on, or something. Do you have any preference?

@pocke @ericgpks I'd also like to attend if you guys will do some knowledge-sharing events at some point since I'm also new here πŸ™

Also, I think it might be great if we have some async communication channels (a bit more chatty than here, like Discord, Slack, etc?) since I will need to ask some questions in the near future. What do you think?

ericgpks commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm, I can help you, but I have no concrete idea how to help you. Probably I can provide documents, hands-on, or something. Do you have any preference?

I hope I can get documents to understand about this project and basic knowledge about RBS.

Please give me more time to decide which gem I participate in. Thank you.

pocke commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your comments!

Also, although this is a bit off topic from this issue, I would like to help with rbs_rails, which is being developed by @pocke .


Actually, it is not off-topic because it's smoother that the activerecord maintainer maintains RBS Rails, too.

Also, I think it might be great if we have some async communication channels (a bit more chatty than here, like Discord, Slack, etc?) since I will need to ask some questions in the near future. What do you think?


We already have a slack channel in ruby-jp workspace. You can join the workspace from here and find #types channel. We can discuss this in this channel.

I hope I can get documents to understand about this project and basic knowledge about RBS.


For RBS newbies, I recommend this document is also a good document to learn RBS deeply.

@Little-Rubyist @ydah Feel free to add your name to the _reviewers.yaml πŸš€

pocke commented 3 weeks ago

I wrote a design doc of this repository and RBS Rails.

I'm thinking I should copy the design doc to RBS Rails repository. I'll organize the document after a while.

tk0miya commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I'm also interested in improving and maintaining rbs_rails and the types of rails. Either core maintainers or reviewers are okay with me.