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activerecord: CollectionProxy#build can take Hash-like object #598

Closed tk0miya closed 1 week ago

tk0miya commented 2 weeks ago

The current definition of #build, #craete and #create! methods of ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy#build take a Hash object.

But they can also take Hash-like object. Usually, Rails apps pass an instance of ActionController::Parameters. The technique is well known as "Mass Assignment".

Internally, they expects the object should have #each_pair method. Therefore, this changes the signature of these methods to take a Hash-like object instead of Hash.


github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

@tk0miya Thanks for your contribution!

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You changed RBS files for an existing gem. You need to get approval from the reviewers of this gem.

@hibariya, @ksss, @Little-Rubyist, please review this pull request. If this change is acceptable, please make a review comment including APPROVE from here. Screen Shot 2024-03-19 at 14 13 36

After that, the PR author or the reviewers can merge this PR. Just comment /merge to merge this PR.

ksss commented 2 weeks ago
$ bundle exec rbs --repo gems -r activemodel diff --detail --format diff --type-name 'ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy' --before gems/activerecord/6.0 --after 598
- [::ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy public] def build: (?::Hash[untyped, untyped] attributes) -> untyped | (?::Hash[untyped, untyped] attributes) { () -> untyped } -> untyped
+ [::ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy public] def build: (?::ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy::_EachPair attributes) ?{ () -> untyped } -> untyped

- [::ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy public] def create: (?::Hash[untyped, untyped] attributes) -> untyped | (?::Hash[untyped, untyped] attributes) { () -> untyped } -> untyped
+ [::ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy public] def create: (?::ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy::_EachPair attributes) ?{ () -> untyped } -> untyped

- [::ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy public] def create!: (?::Hash[untyped, untyped] attributes) -> untyped | (?::Hash[untyped, untyped] attributes) { () -> untyped } -> untyped
+ [::ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy public] def create!: (?::ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy::_EachPair attributes) ?{ () -> untyped } -> untyped
github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Thanks for your review, @ksss!

@tk0miya, @ksss This PR is ready to be merged. Just comment /merge to merge this PR.

tk0miya commented 1 week ago
