ruby / snap.ruby

Ruby snap
29 stars 5 forks source link

remove use of wrappers and make use of environment variables #5

Closed sergiusens closed 6 years ago

sergiusens commented 6 years ago

Signed-off-by: Sergio Schvezov

hsbt commented 6 years ago

@sergiusens Thanks for your patch.

I hope to resolve to build error of native extension build like nokogiri or eventmachine

I try to build and publish after merging this patch. but I got two errors.

The store was unable to accept this snap.
  - found errors in file output: unusual mode 'rwxr-xr-x' for symlink './lib/ruby/2.5.0/amd64 -> x86_64-linux'
  - checksums do not match. Please ensure the snap is created with either 'snapcraft pack <DIR>' (using snapcraft >= 2.38) or 'mksquashfs <dir> <snap> -noappend -comp xz -all-root -no-xattrs -no-fragments'. If using electron-builder, please upgrade to latest stable (>= 20.14.7). See for details.

Can you provide the advice?

sergiusens commented 6 years ago

@hsbt did you build locally or using

hsbt commented 6 years ago

@sergiusens Local. But I got the same fails on snapcraft.


popey commented 6 years ago

I just tested building this snap in a clean 16.04 container. I used snapcraft 2.42.1 and once built I used snap-review to simulate the same tests that the store uses.

(to install the review tools snap install review-tools --beta)

Your snap fails for me.

$ snap-review RjAgguCDAawLSJ3IByPe0R92xlNtrfGt_58.snap 
 - lint-snap-v2:confinement_classic
        (NEEDS REVIEW) confinement 'classic' not allowed. If your snap needs classic confinement to function, please make a request for this snap to use classic by creating a new topic in the forum using the 'store' category and detail the technical reasons why classic is required.
 - security-snap-v2:squashfs_files
        found errors in file output: unusual mode 'rwxr-xr-x' for symlink './lib/ruby/2.5.0/amd64 -> x86_64-linux'
 - security-snap-v2:squashfs_repack_checksum
        checksums do not match. Please ensure the snap is created with either 'snapcraft pack <DIR>' (using snapcraft >= 2.38) or 'mksquashfs <dir> <snap> -noappend -comp xz -all-root -no-xattrs -no-fragments'. If using electron-builder, please upgrade to latest stable (>= 20.14.7). See for details.
RjAgguCDAawLSJ3IByPe0R92xlNtrfGt_58.snap: FAIL

However, my snap works (only complaining about classic - which you have an exception for in the store).

$ snap-review ruby_2.5.1_amd64.snap 
 - lint-snap-v2:confinement_classic
        (NEEDS REVIEW) confinement 'classic' not allowed. If your snap needs classic confinement to function, please make a request for this snap to use classic by creating a new topic in the forum using the 'store' category and detail the technical reasons why classic is required.
ruby_2.5.1_amd64.snap: FAIL

Could you try updating your install of snapcraft locally?

hsbt commented 5 years ago

@sergiusens @popey We fixed by snapcraft with multipass environment. It caused by vagrant(virtualbox) environment.